Home: Our Mission- Who Are We?

Our Mission

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What is the purpose of the "Ask Jacqueline Network" and what can visitors expect to find on the site?

The "Ask Jacqueline Network" is a website run by a group of Christian believers who accept the Bible as the only authority and aim to offer hope and support to visitors. The site is a safe space for people to discuss the Bible and their spiritual journeys without fear of being harassed or judged. Visitors can expect to find articles, videos, and resources on a range of topics related to faith, including recovery from spiritual abuse, finding personal meaning and healing, and building a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The site does not promote any particular religion and encourages critical thinking and individual interpretation of the Bible. Visitors are free to express their opinions and engage in respectful discussions with others on the site.

This is the "Ask Jacqueline Network" There are many Authors that publish their works and "SHORT" books here.

We will assist you in working through your Spiritually abusive experience.

Some of you are adult victims of child sexual abuse by clergy of various religious organizations. We understand it is not your fault for trusting. The perpetrators and the governing bodies are at fault for hiding and failing to alert your parents to the known pedophiles in abundance among you. They are and were aware of the pedophiles but protected them.

Our sole mission is to help you start praying directly to God through Jesus Christ and not through a man or organization. To not be afraid of God or Armageddon but to accept Christ as your leader and not a governing body or a one-man founder of your former religions. 

Videos posted at the end of every page are not to sway you but to let you see that other people do know something about the Bible and try to break it down also. One thing you will notice is that more people are willing to change what they formerly thought was the truth, and more people are using just the Bible, no books or magazines. We are a help site, to get your mind working to do critical thinking, not teach you what we believe but get you going to God through Jesus directly. To have a personal relationship with God and feel you don't need an organization talking to God for you. 

 NOTE: We have writers from different countries, so articles may reflect the experiences of that country but not another. Enjoy!


by Jacqueline- Welcome


The next section of the mission is written by Greg from Canada. 


It is not our desire to indoctrinate, recruit, convert, or “save” anyone. We recognize that everyone is on an individual journey, and so their paths from their various points of origin onward to their personally envisioned destinations are going to be somewhat varied.


Quite understandably, some persons who have been adversely impacted by spiritual abuse at the hands of “Bible-Thumpers” and “Religious Terrorists” may want nothing more to do with God, the Bible, or religion. For others, it is equally understandable that their personal convictions or their worries and anxieties may compel them to try to find a new way to move through and beyond spiritual abuse while not completely abandoning their God or religious beliefs.


No matter who you are, where you’ve come from, what you’ve once believed, or what you now believe, it is our resolve to help you feel safe, welcome, and at ease here. We want everyone to find the support they need and want—nothing more, nothing less. Think of this as a buffet: pick only what you want or are willing to try; eat only as much or as little of whatever it is you want; leave what you don’t want; come back for second and third helpings of the things you like.


We believe that no matter where we currently are on our journey towards healing and recovery, we are ALL seriously interested in finding relief while we struggle to reclaim our lives and to move forward in a way that is uniquely and personally meaningful. Mourning and coming to understand the traumatic things we’ve experienced is an essential part of the healing process and so it is our desire to support and encourage as many as possible in that very personal endeavor.


Some persons may want support and assistance in letting go of many strongly programmed fears connected with religion and spirituality. Others may be hoping to pursue new and healthier spiritual avenues while allowing themselves to discover how they can free themselves from old programmed fears. We offer many kinds of resources and support along whichever route you personally find most comfortable and appealing. We hold unconditional positive regard for everyone.


One last thought: In English, the word spirituality can cause great confusion. For several centuries it has been used and misused and carries at least two distinctly separate meanings. The way in which we use the word isn’t about spirit beings, God, or religion. We use it to mean caring for one’s OWN INNER spirit of calmness, hopefulness, compassion, joy, and peace. That’s why we’ve made it our resolve to never again allow religion to get in the way of our spirituality.

Contributed by Greg Williamson, Canada- Now you have met Greg.

Learn More

Since 1993

122 Responses to Home: Our Mission- Who Are We?

  1. jacqueline says:

    I will get that email to you, Lee.

  2. jacqueline says:

    The Mormons have canceled all of their public meetings worldwide.

    My sister in Alabama wasn’t able to call into three kingdom halls because the call-in was filled up.
    Grandchildren’s entire school district closed for the next few weeks.
    This will be a good time for families to ban together and show love.

    Our family is encouraging the older members and encouraging them to stay inside. My children got me on lockdown.

  3. Lee Anthony says:

    Memorial this year (Notes on the timing) And Date setting?. Kidding….

    The Jewish calendar in use today is termed “modern” to distinguish it from the “ancient” calendar, which goes back to early Old Testament times. But the “modern” Jewish calendar was already in use in early centuries of the Christian era. Originally the rules governing its calculation were kept secret to maintain the dependency of scattered tribes upon the ruling hierarchy. But in 359 A.D. the rules were finally published by Rabbi Hillel II and made available to all Jews in the dispersion. This made it possible for the calendar to be calculated centuries in advance, and it eliminated all confusion regarding occurrences of the holy days.

    This is precisely why we believe it is still useful for Christians today to base the calculation of the Memorial date upon the Jewish calendar. It comes closest to approximating the ancient Jewish custom. Its use is certainly advantageous in arriving at a uniform date and eliminates the need for independent calculations. And it is universally available. But all this leads to one important question: Is it proper for us as Christians to accept Jewish authority and the Jewish calendar in fixing our Memorial dates?

    In seeking guidance in any matter, it is always well to look to the example and teaching of our Lord. In this instance, we believe his words and actions provide a direct answer to our query. Jesus made it quite clear that he was willing to accept the interpretations of those who sat in Moses’ seat when such did not conflict with truth or principle. Of the scribes and Pharisees he specifically said, “Whatsoever therefore they bid you observe, that observe and do” (Matthew 23:2,3). His followers were not, however, to follow their example in hypocrisy and religious show.

    The arrangements and adjustments of the Jewish calendar, particularly as they governed the religious festivities of the people, properly fell under the jurisdiction of these leaders. Jesus was quite content to accept their rulings on such matters. Hence it would seem reasonable that an acceptance of the dates produced by the Jewish calendar for the Passover-Memorial service in our day would be expressing an attitude similar to that of our Lord: not one of subservience, but of recognition of the convenience and utility of the arrangement, all under the providences of our God.

    According to Jewish calendar Nisan 14 will be the eve of Tuesday the 7th in April for us and this is agreed on by dawn Bible and I think JW’s too. So we can all agree I guess on something’s.

    Nisan 13 is our calendar day on which the Memorial is held, but At 6:00 p.m. on this calendar day Nisan 14 begins, and shortly after our Memorial service should take place.


  4. Lee Anthony says:

    I checked podcast page today and the play arrow is a line instead of an arrow and now wont play, it didnt look that way yesterday. Not sure whats wrong..?

    • jacqueline says:

      Oh wow, I just saw your comment, sorry to answer so late. Paperwork has taken me under. I will check and see.
      I see what you mean. Maybe post it like the others. They still play just fine.

      Perhaps you can take it down and put it up again. Let me know if it works.

  5. jacqueline says:

    I am not going to say anything as a preface for this link. If you click on it and realize why, fine. If you click on it and say why did she post this? Then it isn’t meant for you.
    This post has answered so many questions for me and explained my latest actions just 9 days ago. I felt a little bad about my decision but this young lady helps me to see I was right and shouldn’t feel guilty.

    • Lee Anthony says:

      That was a very good story, Perfect for the site. Wanted to see if you had thought of some questions on interview? I am planning and putting notes together for added info for my story but wanting to have that be a later episode(s).

      • jacqueline says:

        Lee Anthony, I am so glad you didn’t do mine already. Since all the stories are basically the same on the websites, youtube, etc. I might want to after a brief intro of who I am, going into how I got the nerve to leave, the journeys I took and how I have somehow healed enough to not care what relatives or still in witness friends think. It seems from my moving around the web, so many are having a hard time moving on from Spiritually abusive religions and organizations.
        I want to give strategies for moving on, not wallowing in the mire of the abuse. The brain is funny, every time we rehash negative things that have happened to us, it makes a deeper path in our brain and sometimes new tracks.
        I am not immune.
        Because I was almost the victim of violent rape by an elder alleged to have confessed his intentions to CO and elders and caused me to go to court and get a restraining order against the organization in 50 states for its involvement of not removing him and allegedly encouraging him to pursue me so I would be discredited at a victim’s upcoming trial. I can write this but to mention all the negative in actual sound would probably do me in with a setback. So they can read this but I can’t talk about it audibly.
        So I will let you ask me questions like anyone interviewing. If I just talk I will say too much.lol. So set it up, I will show up and answer questions.
        PS: I have not gotten over what I learned in the link. I know all players and really my last meeting ever was because of 2 of the people in her story in 2018 at the general convention, they did a conversation ambush.

  6. Ted R (Bible Student) says:

    Are you still part of the Jehovah’s Witness organization? If so, notice the following video!
    What is really wrong with Jehovah’s Witnesses?

    Jesus said “I am the WAY the Truth and the life, no one goes to the Father except through ME”!
    Go to your Kingdom Hall and start talking about Jesus instead of Jehovah, notice the reaction! Don’t be surprised if you are invited into the library for a meeting with the elders! Only JESUS is the head of the congregation following HIM, the greater Noah, allows us to enter the Ark of Salvation which gives us SALVATION!

    • jacqueline says:

      Ted, I went to the link and it is our dear friend so I am looking at this. I need to make it a widget at the bottom.
      I said to some witnesses that Jesus will come soon and help all of us when talking about world issues a little child said; “Jesus?” Who is Jesus? You mean Jehovah not Jesus. I do believe the child knew who Jesus was but this was a reflection of what this child hears at the kingdom hall and out in field service.
      Without Jesus, we would be lost.
      We told some years ago that even if we could prove the organization was wrong by scripture, we must teach the wrong doctrine until the organization changes it.
      That is when I began to make my exit mentally and emotionally after I discussed this statement with the watchtower conductor.
      The first step I took was to get rid of all of the books and magazines including their Bible. Now I have gone back even further and gotten rid of the Studies In The Scriptures and all charts, booklets, and everything.

      Psalm 26:4-5 New International Version (NIV)
      4 I do not sit with the deceitful,
      nor do I associate with hypocrites.
      5 I abhor the assembly of evildoers
      and refuse to sit with the wicked.
      Only after doing this was I able to break free completely. Thanks for this link.

    • jacqueline says:

      TED R, I listened to Eric’s other broadcast and there is a TV station interview on there also, very interesting.

  7. Ted R (Bible Student) says:

    Another video regarding Christmas. He very effectively debunks the arguments against Christmas as being pagan! He goes into more detail on the various pagan influences in our culture today. Very interesting and makes total sense.


  8. jacqueline says:

    Everyone we have modified slightly the Mission statement. It should probably be reread.
    Lee Anthony, I like your disclaimer the other day in your comment.
    We are not starting a religious organization, we are just lovers of Jehovah God and Christ discussing the Bible with the technology that They have allowed to make this possible, mainly the internet.
    I consider this a blessing. Some have indicated the site should be more than Christians discussing the Bible and branching out to the social needs of the many who have lost family and friends due to shunning or because they obeyed their leaders and never prepared for their future retirement etc.

    This would be something for others to do if they feel so called by God to do it, it is noble.
    This site however is simple, we express what we see the Bible as saying.
    This is a great freedom that allows us to recover from not being able to use the internet to get others opinions on scripture.

    There are some great men of God out there feeding His sheep on the internet and now we know we don’t get confused from hearing what they have to say.

    Just listening to the voice of one religious body holds you captive to their concepts, their indoctrinations, rules , assumptions and doctrines made up by men.

    Some of their doctrines even are in line with the Bible but we have freedom now to listen to others without fear of reprimand or being encouraged NOT to do so.

    The statement seems to explain what the site is about and those coming on should read it so they understand the commenters and readers on here.
    They are welcome.
    We shouldn’t be discouraged from learning as much as God allows. We aren’t dumb as we were led to believe, unable to listen at the doors to others or now on the internet without getting all confused.

    We do have a brain and the Holy Spirit can work with us if we try to learn about our God and His Son.

  9. Bro. Dave says:


    To me, one of the most wonderful parts of our less structured study group is that we are not constrained by nor obligated to a formal structure requiring us to cover \”X\” amount of material each meeting, or, complete a study of a topic within one meeting.

    To wit, tonight, we detoured from our study, right-smack-dab in the middle of Revelation 20:4, to study and discuss some topics-of-opportunity brought up by members of our study.

    Our meeting opened with some study group business, THEN,

    We re-investigated the \”angel\” in Rev_20:1
    the angel
    Compare to Luk_8:28-31
    Heb_1:1-14 – deals with Jesus\’ status (above all the angels).
    Michael the archangel – an entity to himself or Jesus under another name?
    After the resurrection, Jesus is referred to by other names.
    Is Jesus an \”angel\”, as only begotten Son\”?
    Lord G2962
    archangel, G743
    Lord G2962
    Jesus is recorded dealing with Satan in the wilderness without the help of angels.
    Why would Jesus tell Himself to \”rebuke him\”.
    Can there be more than one archangel?
    Heb_1:1-14 – deals with Jesus\’ status.
    Would Jesus need angels to help him fight Satan?

    From Roman Catholic beliefs: prayers to Jesus, will be heard by YHWH and Jesus will take the prayer to YHWH.
    Roman Catholics also pray to Mary and Saints, who will petition the prayers to Jesus, who will then take the prayers to YHWH.

    We will begin with the question of Scriptural use of the term \”tormenting\” G928 G931

  10. Ted R (Bible Student) says:

    I am currently researching the History of Christianity and the lost Bible books. Attached is the General Epistle of Barnabas. The Book is consider by most and some early Church Fathers felt it should be added to the Canon. Here is a link to that Epistle:
    I am also attaching a link to a website where many more of the Apocrypha and early Church letters can be found:

  11. Tina Steitzer says:

    Dear Jacqueline,
    Regarding my thoughts on rev5:10;
    Here are a few thoughts to reason on.
    Revelation 5:10 and “EPI”: “On” or “Over”?

    According to the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures Revelation 5:10 reads:

    “and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule over[Gk ‘epi’]the Earth.”

    Surprisingly, we have come across a website that calls the New World Translation’s rendering of the Greek word ‘epi’ by “over” as a “mistranslation”, even calling upon their readers to check that this is so with regard to other translations and Greek Lexicons, though none are cited to justify this criticism!

    Following is an e-mail we sent in this matter to the owner of that website:

    “Dear Sir,

    We were interested to see that you call the New World Translation’s rendering of ‘epi’ as “over” at Revelation 5:10 as a “mistranslation”. Our question is why?

    The following translations also translate “epi” here as over:

    The New Testament in the Language of the People–C.B.Williams
    The New Testament in Modern Speech–Weymouth
    The Holy Scriptures, A New Translation from the Original Languages–Darby
    The Complete Bible in Modern English–Fenton
    The Holy Bible,A Translation From the Latin Vulgate in the Light of the Hebrew and Greek Originals–Knox
    The Modern Language Bible-New Berkeley Version
    The Bible, An American Translation–Goodspeed.
    The Amplified Bible
    The Unvarnished New Testament–Gaus.
    Holy Bible, An American Translation– W.F.Beck.
    Compare also Marshall’s Interlinear which says under the word ‘epi’ at Rev.5:10 – “on(?over)”
    See also these well known Greek-English Lexicons:

    A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature by Arndt and Gingrich(p.286)– b.fig.-a.over of power,authority,control of or over someone or someth…….Rv 5:10. and
    The New Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament(p.231)–A.with the GENITIVE…. d.fig.used of things,affairs persons,which one is set over,over which he exercises power…..Rev.[5].10.
    Can you still call the New World Translation’s rendering here, in all fairness, a “mistranslation”? Are you not being guilty of misleading some of your readers who will not bother to check up your statements for themselves and just accept what you have alleged? Are we to expect that this ‘example’ of a “mistranslation” by the New World Translation will now be removed from your web pages?

    Cordially Yours ……………………..

    As yet we have had no answer and the said criticism still appears on the site.

    When “epi” is used with a verb denoting authority/rulership then “epi” indicates the compass of that authority/rulership. If a search is made of the Greek N.T. where “basileuw[to reign as a king]epi” occurs(as it does in Revelation 5:10)you will be able to see that in every case “epi” means “over”, eg., Luke 1:33; Acts7:18.

    Interestingly, Micah 4:7LXX contains the same verb “to reign as a king” with the prepositions “epi” and “en” and is translated by Brenton as “and the Lord shall reign over[basileuw epi] them in[en] mount Zion.”

    Two commentaries that support the rendering of EPI as “over.”

    1) Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible of Jamieson, Fausset and Brown:

    “…KELLY translates, “reign over the earth” (Greek, “epi tees gees”), which is justified by the Greek (Septuagint, Judges 9:8, Matthew 2:22). The elders, though ruling over the earth, shall not necessarily (according to this passage) remain on the earth….”

    Note here that translating EPI at Revelation 5:10 as “over” is “justified by the Greek.”

    2) John Wesley’s Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible comments on Revelation 5:10.

    “And hast made them – The redeemed. So they speak of themselves also in the third person, out of deep self – abasement. They shall reign over the earth – The new earth: herewith agree the golden crowns of the elders. The reign of the saints in general follows, under the trumpet of the seventh angel; particularly after the first resurrection, as also in eternity, Revelation 1:18; 15:7; 20:4; 22:5; Dan 7:27; Psa 49:14.”

    Notice “They shall reign over the earth”?

    Two recent Bible translations also have “over” for “epi” here at Revelation 5:10.They being the Complete Jewish Bible by David H. Stern(1998) and The Message, The Bible in Contemporary Language (2002)by Eugene H. Peterson. Also, we note that The New Testament, Recovery Version(Revised edition, 1991, Living Stream Ministry)though it has “on the earth” has a footnote that says “Or, over.”

    One might point to Rev.5:3 and 5.13 where the same Greek words, namely, EPI THS GHS, literally, “on the earth,” occur and so this points to the same meaning for EPI in 5.10. However in both these scriptures BASILENW, “to reign,” is absent and also in both there are clear expressions that indicate that location is here meant for in both v.3 and v.13 there is “But neither(v.3)/And every creature(v.13) in heaven ….nor underneath the earth…” which expressions are absent from v.10 where EPI THS GHS occur. It would be poor exegesis then to simply point out that in verses 3 and 13 of the same chapter that EPI THS GHS occurs and yet place this truth over the more applicable truths as given above. Also, just because GHS, “earth” can refer to a place as well as a group of people(here in Revelation 5.10 to the ‘earthly society of humans’ whom these kings and priests will rule “over)does not mean that the meaning of “earth” here is ambiguous. The point of vv.9, 10 is not where these “kings” will rule but whom over they will for these “kings” are those who have been “bought…for God” and from “every tribe and tongue and people and nation” and these kings will rule “over” these or the remnants of these. The same thought is given in Revelation 2.26 where we can read “To everyone[Gk; AUTW lit. “him”)that conquers and continues to do my work to the end, I will give authority over[Gk; EPI] the nations.”-New Revised Standard Version.

    Clearly then, those translations that translate EPI as “over” at Revelation 5.10 are the more accurate in conveying the meaning of the original.

    • jacqueline says:

      Hi Tina and thank you for your comment. I don’t have a New World Translation anymore the silver bullet’s writing is too small for me, can’t see it. So thank you for bringing out the info that you conversed with the other website. I hope you and they can talk and get it straightened out.

      I myself never quiver over a single word as often in Hebrew it can mean a couple of things like our English words can and the tone used also’
      But you were very thorough and it gives a lot of insight.

      President Trump rules over the United States even when He is visiting another country and even if he got on the space shuttle and went to visit the moon. He has authority over the United States, but also he actually lived on US soil, so the word doesn’t really, in my opinion, change the thought of the authority. In this case, to me, one word doesn’t have that much impact.

      I see the scriptures teach that Jesus will be given the throne of David (luke 1:32).

      He will sit on the throne of David and rule: Isa 9:7 Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness from that time and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of Hosts will accomplish this.

      The twelve apostles will sit on (12) thrones, during his reign. Matt. 19:28 Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
      John 14 chapter and 17 chapter seems to indicate that the Church will eventually end up in heaven as I see it.

      I just understand that during the 1,000-year reign He will Indeed Come Again as he said to rule from heaven and not come AGAIN as he came before would be an untruth.

      The Jewish nation will accept him as Messiah and the entire world will visibly and physically SEE him. Not with the eyes of discernment, not in 1874 or 1914 invisibly, but every eye will see him. Rev. 1:7.

      In fact, Revelation shows him actually riding on a White horse with the heavenly host and his raised and changed ones to the EARTH and he speaks with the sword of his mouth.

      I don’t mean to debate the doctrine of 144,0000 special ones believing they will sit on 144,000 thrones in heaven but simply what the Bible says as I see it.
      We did discuss this on Thursday night and Dave posted it. Also, Lee Anthony put more scriptural text. There isn’t any more I can say about it.

      But I would like to hear maybe instead of a word, other scriptures that say Jesus will rule during the thousand years from heaven with the 144,000. I was formally taught this by reasoning and using the 24 elders as representing 144,000 but I have never seen any scriptures that actually say this, only the doctrine taught from long ago. Maybe you could point us to the exact scriptures of rulership being in the heavens.

      I will wait for your reply now and again thanks for commenting.
      Take Care Tina

      PS. I don’t have a problem with the New World Translation, I never read it but I do use many translations to get the correct sense. We don’t have the original.

  12. Lee Anthony says:

    “And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory.

    Behold, he comes with the clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they which have pierced him, and all the tribes of the land shall wail because of him. Yea. Amen.

    “I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, see there! With the clouds of the heavens someone like a son of man happened to be coming; and to the Ancient of Days he gained access, and they brought him up close even before that One.

    So also the Christ was offered once for all time to bear the sins of many; and the second time that he appears it will be apart from sin and to those earnestly looking for him for [their] salvation.”

    Acts 1:11 the phrase, “in the same manner” when translated from the original language literally means “the same way.” Secondly, Scripture does not say that every eye will see Him at the same time. Even so, for any organization to say that Jesus could not appear to everyone at the same time, they are limiting YHVH and using human reasoning. After all even man has the technology to beam TV broadcasts instantaneously and simultaneously all around the globe with satellites for all to see. YHVH’s ability is much, much greater than this or than we can even imagine. (2Chronicles 2:6, 1Corinthians 2:9)

    When using God’s Word the Bible, the weight of the greater number of available evidence clearly says that Jesus’ return is visible, it’s audible and it will be literal! There are hundreds of prophecies regarding Jesus that have been fulfilled, and they have been fulfilled literally. In Mark 13:26

    He was hidden by a cloud, that is true but the angel said they would see him return just as he left, he went up into the clouds and according to revelation and also Jesus own words he would be seen coming with the clouds. It wasn’t about him being hidden but about his going and coming the angel mentioned to the apostles. If all the scriptures in Daniel, Matt, Luke; Rev, are taken as they are without adding too or taking away from the original thought then we have some very clear and plain explanation of it.

  13. Lee Anthony says:

    We have no religious creed or set of rules that we have to convince others to adhere to. We do agree on only on the things that the Bible without a doubt says, such as there will be a resurrection of the dead. I don’t think any of us are Sadducces though if any are out there they are free to share as well. All are free to take information posted from the many sources and to make their own decisions on a matter. God will ultimately lead us to a conclusive end if the spirit moves us.
    I remember when we studied this idea of kings and priests and the ruler ship. It wasn’t exactly this that we went over but similar. One thought is that the older manuscripts that are most often used say kings and priests while the other says kingdom of priests. The thought is a bit different, but the wording don’t really change the intent. There will be a kingdom and Jesus will be its king. If we are priests or kings and priests or just a citizen does it really change our salvation? Jesus mentions there will be positions, he said that there will be those who are greater and those who are least in the kingdom but the fact is they will still be in the kingdom. Not Everyone will get to wear a crown or sit on a throne. I’d be happy to hold a cup and serve the least of those who inhabit this place which is said to come down out of heaven.
    Serving a just king is the greatest honor a citizen of a kingdom can have, yet most who have the higher positions are not of this mindset and often abuse their position of authority. It will not be so in the kingdom ruled by Yeshua, I am confident those wearing crowns and robes will be rightfully chosen and will be exactly where they are supposed to be.
    Matt 5:19)
    Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commands and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever does and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

  14. Ted R (Bible Student) says:

    Here is a link to a PDF copy of the Book of Enoch

  15. Lee Anthony says:

    Israel killed a major leader of an Islamic group and since yesterday as a result over 150 rockets have been launched at them. News

    • jacqueline says:

      Lee Anthony, I haven’t been able to post all the alerts I got on Israel and this has been building up now for a month. My big computer is down I just sent all the alerts to Henry to post.
      The impeachment thing over here is a smokescreen I think by Satan with the news media and people are not aware. I read Israel News everyday almost. Things might get bad quick.
      Tomorrow they will have all eyes on Trump’s trial. Christians will be watching what is lining up in Israel. Israel named a facility for Trump for indigent young people. This was in honor of his moving US concerns to naming them as the capital. ( can’t remember the exact thing he did, brain freeze.
      I am about to send them to you by email. I am not able to copy and paste now.

  16. Lee Anthony says:

    I have been reading more into satan being cast down and want some of your thoughts on what I have found interesting. Jesus mentioned satan being ruler of this world in john 14:30 as we know. Something I noticed he also said I didnt pay attention to before is in (john 16:11)
    “and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.”
    And (john 12:31)
    Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
    Jesus was preparing his disciples for his upcoming death. He had been on earth now 33 or so years and was soon to be lifted up into heaven after accomplishing the greatest part of Gods plan. My thinking, what better time for satan to start mess while Jesus, the 2nd most powerful being in the universe, was on earth and not in heaven. Well if this is part of judgement that satan be thrown down woe to the earth indeed. I then went and read (rev. Chap. 12) and I think it goes with these verses quite well, specifically (vs. 5-10). Think about timeline of Jesus death and return to heaven in power and glory and what he mentioned to the 12 about satan and his being cast out in john and matt. It makes some sense that it could have been about the time of his return. Think of what vs. 5-10 are saying along with the rest and let me know what you think.
    I dont like times and dates but this is interesting to consider non the less.

    • jacqueline says:

      Lee so for clarity are you saying about the time of his Return or did you mean the casting out happened when the nation of Israel gave birth to a son (rev 12)? I am referring to this statement (It makes some sense that it could have been about the time of his return.)

      Funny, just yesterday Henry and I were discussing the scripture you quoted Saturday and said it could have happened while he was on earth also.
      For one thing, I don’t believe Jesus is Michael, I believe Michael is a Powerful Angelic creature, maybe a Cherub because Satan is a Cherub. So equals fighting each other.

      Michael is always presented to us as a warrior. Jesus is not a mear angel but a King and speaks, the sword comes out of his mouth, He is next to Jehovah in power.

      Because my answer is long and I think this should be an article so we can discuss revelation go here to see what I am writing as an answer back to you then others can come in on this.


      I will also alert a friend of mine who is studying the book of Revelation with some friends and see what he says.

      Also glad we aren’t using dates either because Jesu told us to look for signs and so we know the season.
      If satan could figure out the date he would be ready. But at a time that he does not expect it Jesus will return.

      Also, could you place your reply on the revelation article in the mentioned link so we can start a revelation discussion? Thanks

  17. Chris Johns says:

    Forgive me. The site shows it was removed but when I posted it it showed it again. I don’t know what’s going on on the site. Forgive me for the assumption.

    • jacqueline says:

      Chris if that is what you saw it must have detected a word it needed to check and see if it was on the blacklist.
      I have not read your reply to Henry yet so I don’t know.
      But I do want to advise you to get control because attacks will not be tolerated on this site. You may and anyone else may answer or comment but angry rants can’t be tolerated.

  18. Chris Johns says:

    Where did my post go? Wow. No different than the Watchtower society. Facts stand on their own and since they had to be deleted shows that facts don’t matter. And shutting down different opinions is no different than the Jehovah’s witnesses shutting down different views. Those were facts. Backed up with quotes. If you don’t like them then that’s your business. But shutting them down is no different than the JWs. I proved Russell wasn’t racist and since it didn’t fit your narrative it got deleted.

    • jacqueline says:

      Chris, I am the only one that controls that aspect of the site as Super Administrator. I don’t delete people posts. I have been decorating dollhouses all day and not touched a comment or viewed the site for hours. However you would be shocked to your core if you saw the hundreds of posts that are sitting in the unapproved section of Friends of Jehovah witnesses, a Bible Student website. They were taken down before you got out of bed and not by me. Quite a few dealt with the racism of Charles Taze Russell. But we didn’t get as concerned. I don’t know why this bothers you so much. Perhaps you could explain it, please.
      Also, you aren’t aware of the emails and snail mail sent, are you? Our discussion came straight from a Bible Student discussion email sent to me and I shared it with others.
      You are not the center of all things said, in fact, we never really thought of how hurt you would be and neither did the many Bible Students on the discussion.
      Please respect their rights and ours to answer back.

      Also, I just read your reply to Henry and wasn’t aware of some of the things you mentioned. Thanks for the additions.
      Thank you

  19. Chris Johns says:

    I think you should read the full context of the “racist” quotes you attribute to Russell you’d see that it isn’t what you think. For example when Jacqueline quoted the Watch Tower on race I went back and read them.

    1. “Can the Ethiopian change his skin?” If you read this this was not Russell but was a LETTER from a Reader named F.A Howard. Russell didn’t control everything in the magazine and didn’t agree with everything written.

    2. The Photo-drama Colored brethren sat separately? Again this was not Russell who wrote this. This was arrangement that was last minute due to opposition. The article explicitly says many white people were offended by the arrangement. Russell in another article said he loves black brethren as white brethren and in no way discriminates

    Quote from the article. “Some, confident that Brother Russell had never sanctioned such a discrimination, told that they believe it would be duty to stand up for equal rights and always to help the oppressed, etc.“

    Rather that googling arguments like atheists do why not read articles in their entirety. I find it sad that you’ve written off Russell because of what some elders have done and not researching but googling antirussell things and not going further into it.

    Also I attend an ecclesia where I’m the only white one. The rest (10) are black. I’ve asked their opinions on the race thing and they said it will in no way changes the divine plan and that they don’t worship Russell.

    Many look at Russell’s past and charge it against him. If we all did this than the apostle that denied Jesus three times and Moses and Samson and Solomon and David would not be good examples for nor types of Jesus. Does the divine plan change just because he made mistakes? No.

    I know many of you have completely rejected Russell but let’s be honest without him we would be with the rest of the nominal church believing in hell fire in trinity and in immortality of the soul and no paradise earth and some seven-year tribulation with an Antichrist.

    I know Some who say they havn’t read the reprints but if they did instead of googling arguments against Russell she would see that a lot of what she’s questioning and attacking is already been discussed in the watchtower.

    I know they say that Russell have an affair with a little girl but that’s not true. When Russell was sitting at the end of the bed with that girl her father had just died and she was 10 years old. But Russell‘s wife was on such a vendetta for feminism and didn’t like that he wouldn’t give her a piece of the watchtower to publish feminist articles that she sought to divorce him. But instead we’re going to go online and believe whatever else has to say about it.

  20. Christopher Johns says:

    The Epiphany Messenger is Paul S.L Johnson. The regular Bible Students believe in only 7 messengers. The Laymen’s believe in 49. They believe Russell was the Parousia Messenger and that Johnson was the Epiphany’s messenger. Notice at the top of the question it says all scriptures are from KJV yet there aren’t any. ?‍♂️ They have two books in the “Epiphany Studies in the Scriptures” entitled “The Parousia Messenger” and the “The Epiphany Messenger” in which they have TON of types and antitypes showing that the my are the messengers. Even Russell didn’t believe he alone was “that servant.”
    Even Russell in R4483 said that “that servant” is a class and not a single person. I don’t blame Russell for the cult that followed him.

    • jacqueline says:

      We as humans are confronted with so much deception from Religions (man’s way he decides to worship God) but it is comforting to see that all of us have the Bible. All, including the SL Johnson followers and followers of Russell and many others all confess Christ as their redeemer. And that is all we can do. Witnesses, Bible students and some other of the date setting religions say they have the “Truth”. But according to the Bible, believers in Christ and the word of God have the truth at their disposal also. I don’t really think that much about Russell’s writings or what his thoughts are, nor the witnesses now that I realize the Holy Spirit dwells in us and those men had no more or less than any of believers who have the Spirit.
      I don’t see the 49 names nor Russell’s name in the Bible, he is just one of the many Christians, but unfortunately, his followers worship his words and books, thus giving a man undue attention. But that is not the worst thing in the world and not really that important.
      Christopher, there is so much in the Bible I have learned that I don’t have time to go back 100 years and studiously for decades and a century go over and over one man’s thoughts. There are so many more thoughts plus our own. ALL must conform to scriptures.

      Psalm 25:5 Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.

      Psalm 43:3 Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling!

      Psalm 86:11 Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.
      Matthew 22:16 And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone’s opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances.

      John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

      John 1:17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

      The notion that the date setters of the 19th- 20th century had the only truth does not agree with the Bible therefore it is to just be ignored and move on to just the Bible which with the Holy Spirit is opened up. It isn’t as difficult as we were led to believe. I would never read the watchtower or the Studies in the Scriptures anymore.

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