“It is not Happy people that are Thankful, but Thankful people who are happy”
So where ever there are people there is an opportunity to be kind. I decided to make a list of how I can be thankful and show it to others.
First, ALL THANKS goes to GOD and JESUS for Life and Love.
Thanks for leading me to the Bibles’ 66 books instead of the many endless writings of men. Death will take me before I finish these, but thanks.
I would never try to persuade others to leave their religion. I just want to be free to worship Jehovah, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit without persecution from family or friends because I choose to leave their long-held religion. They are happy and I love that and want to be happy in my worship also.
Here are some of my personal heartfelt thankfulness.
- I am thankful I had my son and granddaughter visiting with me during the holidays.
- I am thankful that I can be a part of life and not afraid of it.
- I will complain less and breathe more.
- I will Let Be, Let Go, Let God.
- I will make the choice to let go of negative thoughts and fill my mind with positively thoughts.
- I will realize humans are a walking breathing wonder created by God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
- I will give thanks for another day of giving, loving life, and hate no one.
- I will consider how fortunate I am and give myself the gift of being joyfully me.
- I will change myself and communicate with love, not apprehension.
- I will pray every day and often for myself and those I love and am not so fond of. My grandchildren will take priority in my life now that my kids are grown.
The reason Jehovah’s witnesses are been tortured in Russia is because they claimed to be the only true religion and the Russian government seize this as a threat to their existence. and many Jehovah’s witnesses are being tortured in jail in the Russian federation and other religion the religions that make the same claim the Russian government is going to do the same thing to. the Russian government causes spiritual abuse and family abuse they are actually challenging the government of Russia.
for over 25 years I would have loved to have been baptized as a Jehovah’s witness when I gathered the hospital mental hospital in Petersburg Virginia where I stayed for a year after my second mental illness breakdown when rustburg congregation Jehovah’s witnesses invited me to come to their congregation for Bible study guide answers then I went back to Altavista congregation in Virginia for Bible study I would have loved to have been baptized and been invited to go door two-door in the community representing Jehovah God’s name and Jesus Christ to the best of my ability but they knew I did not base my beliefs on religious tradition that I really did love God they could not accept that did Jehovah’s witnesses couldn’t they went in Long Bible studies what’s me and my family I love Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and I no they are not part of a religion the God is Spirit in Truth and you must serve him and him only I love God and I’m having tremendous trouble financially I’m asking God to help me like a true friend thank you Jacqueline. Great tribulation is going to be a wonderful time four Christians
how will the body watchtower with billions and billions of dollars made such as conception and billions of dollars worth of property be destroyed Christians will pray the Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and God will take action Jehovah’s witnesses are clearly blood guilty of Murder and abuse of children and the anointed Jehovah’s witnesses God loves you I will stay away from Jehovah’s witnesses property and I will not invite them in my home anymore the sacrifice was made I will sacrifice my life in a year and prayer of God for faith to move a mountain and be cast into the sea Jehovah’s mountain will not be cast in the sea that’s our Lord Jesus Christ and he is an anointed Jehovah’s witness King not a part of the watchtower he never was I told the story I’m going to clear my mind and get mentally well for the rest of my life. Google translator do not say this is a good duplicate message thank you alphabet Google corporation and thank you Facebook meta corporation. I will get healing from abuse blood covenant is Jesus Christ.
I made the ultimate sacrifice of my daughter I love my daughter as much as I love Jehovah God and Jesus Christ I also love my daughter as much as Jehovah God loved his son Jesus Christ. the sacrifice I made was giving my daughter to the Virginia state government for adoption she will never be abused by governing body policies ever again inversion no one else will we’re going to make sure of it Jehovah God in Jesus Christ I’m going to destroy the watchtower please google translator do not say this is a duplicate message this is a very important message for the kingdom of God.
I do not really know whether I will be abused again by governments and religion but all I know is my daughter will never be abused by the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses my daughter asked me why do I keep going to the Jehovah’s witness religion of the Jehovah’s witnesses it has not been good for you she said I love my daughter as much as I did Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and I sacrifice my daughter to be taken by the Virginia government because God who is Jehovah what’s going to not let her be abused by the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses I don’t know whether I will be abused again I’ve suffered over 50 mental attacks that led to me going to the hospital in Virginia since going to the Kingdom Hall in Halifax Virginia in 1995 how many years has that been I don’t have a calculator but I’m estimating it’s around 30 years a mental abuse have I had enough the blood sacrifice that God made on the altar the stake cross of the Roman government what’s a blood sacrifice and it is enough for mankind sin. Google translator please do not say this is a duplicate message my life is at stake I love Jesus Christ and I love Jehovah God I speak to a Google translator and I do the best I can do I get this message recorded right most words always right but if you get mixed up. Jacqueline take care I am off the internet maybe for good I love Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is the anointed Jehovah’s witness. that I love.
In my heart and mind and body I will always could be considered a I’m only Jehovah’s witness. but I cannot come to grips about the blood issue the religion call the Jehovah’s witnesses teach all the time that it’s okay to sacrifice yourself annual children to death over a medical procedure I love the Jehovah’s witnesses and I gave an Open door for them to come in my home and teach me or that is okay Jesus Christ is the sacrifice the blood covenant for All mankind sins it’s a blood sacrifice do we sacrifice our lives on the altar or is Jesus Christ death good enough Jesus Christ became sin so we could be redeemed from the curse of the law one-time sacrifice for All mankind it is serious I will always believe I am anointed Jehovah’s witness who had mental trouble for a long time after going to my first watchtower meeting in 1995 in Halifax Virginia. Google please do not tell me that this is a duplicate message this is very important people’s lives are at stake.
I celebrated my 55th birthday with Friend’s in Campbell county Virginia they buy me a birthday cake every year. I am learning that I love Jehovah God and Jesus Christ more and more each year and I celebrate my birthdays. I’m no longer spiritually abused anymore. I’m going to make my last trip to the Kingdom Hall to pay an elder money I borrowed from him soon. my daughter will not be sacrificed in my life I love Jehovah God and Jesus Christ too much for that. I move forward with my love for Jehovah God and Jesus Christ I truly I am a Jehovah’s witness anointed I love Jehovah God and Jesus Christ Jehovah God and Jesus Christ our King. the abuse is over I have good mental mind now
when I made a 911 phone call to Campbell county Virginia claiming thatAllahGod and Jehovah God would destroy rustburg pretty soon by fire I was mentally sick physically and mentally exhausted from studying two religions I was studying the Nation of Islam religion and the Jehovah’s witnesses religion I was more sick from them two religions. and I was tortured in Western State hospital Augusta county Virginia by the government of Virginia. I am well now and I love Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.
for example mini Bible teachers read a verse of the Bible and say it means the people will disappear millions and billions of people and go to heaven this station is not in the Bible but they believe it because someone told them. the Bible does not say anything how about people disappearing but people believe it that’s the same thing when it comes to many Bible scriptures Bible teachers teach the Bible does not say it and it does not teach it but they repeat those verses in Bible study and they teach what man’s doctrine is use common sense when reading the Bible make your own decisions based on medical science and a doctor’s advice and go to God in prayer when making your decisions about your health.
I’m learning more by Jehovah God and Jesus Christ now I’m not afraid for having and I’m not having any mental trouble any longer I know Jehovah God is a very loving God and1 religions that add to the Bible and take away from the Bible just to control people I am no longer in bondage to a religion so many people have been abuse by mind controlling religion that add and take away from the Bible to produce its own views about health and a well-being of its members when you have freedom in Christ you can make your own decisions about your health yourmind and your family the way the truth and the life sister the father Jehovah and the son Jesus Christ a religion is just a religion and all religion is man-made that exists in this world get to know God on a personal level in your own home. do not let a religion abuse you barthology mental health health problems. God wants you to live as long as you can annual health decisions it’s between you and your doctor. do not let a religion make your health decisions for you based on scriptures in the Bible that do not teach what they are teaching.
blood in the Bible. the flesh and blood life oh our Lord Jesus Christ who came to Earth a flesh and blood Man he was a second Adam mankind spiritual father the son of Jehovah God Jesus Christ blood paid our sin debt paid that’s what the Bible is talking about when it talks about blood. the Christ is the Passover Lamb what about blood transfusions what does the Bible say about blood transfusions in fact the Bible does not talk about it. the Bible is talking about put your faith in Jesus Christ’s blood paying for your sin debt. and the Bible teaches not to eat blood or drink blood the times will go well with you the Bible is not talking about blood transfusions it is talking about not eating blood it would be a good idea to soak your meat in water before you cook it and do not drink blood. what about blood transfusions that is a medical decision and sometimes having a blood transfusion may give someone longer life and sometimes having a blood transfusion people have reactions over it it’s sometimes can be dangerous Jehovah God wants you to make a sound decision based on medical facts and your conscious decision the governing body puts blood transfusions into religion and baptism they added to the Bible blood transfusions based on blood scriptures that say abstain from blood meaning do not Murder and do not eat blood in a meal or drink blood in a pagan ritual should you have a blood transfusion or not let that be a medical decision between you and your doctor. much like vaccinations as a decision you make between you and your doctor it’s your decision do not let the governing body make the decision for you read the Bible and pray to Jehovah God about it make your decision about blood to have the spiritual meaning of Jesus Christ on the doorstep of your home at the last day when the Angels come. I will speak one more time about blood on anointed talk beyond watchtower August 13th 2024 I am Kevin Davis and I love Jehovah God and the blood of Jesus Christ symbolically is on my door at my home. that’s what blood means and on the subject of abstaining from blood do not eat or drink blood. blood transfusions is a medical decision between you and your family and doctor. you’re not eating blood even though you hook your veins up to it it’s a medical decisions you make sometimes it’s better to have a blood transfusion sometimes it is not it’s like vaccinations it’s a medical decision. I will write on anointed talk beyond watchtower in a few minutes
Jehovah God and Jesus Christ I believe all refining us let us learn from my own mistakes and successes. we is human beings many of us are learning that separation from God was not good for us that our sinful condition needs to slowly change we do not exactly change overnight we must work to change and build a relationship with God. our effort and works refine us in to being more Christ like God’s holy spirit continues if we allow does slowly make us into better people knowing that we do not need to live separate from God to enjoy a good life God spirit must working us to bring change in our life at the last day Jehovah God and Jesus Christ judge us on an individual basis there are more than just 8 million Jehovah’s witnesses being refined on Earth today impact it could be something like a billion people God will destroy us some individuals but clearly Jehovah God and Jesus Christ are refining many people. when judgement day comes the Bible says one will be in the field and one will be taken there will be people alive even in a Jehovah’s witness religion of the Jehovah’s witnesses there are brothers who Loved Jesus Christ and there are brothers who don’t in fact it will be in all religions one person loves God and the other one doesn’t in family members one loves God and the other one doesn’t God intends to refine everyone that’s what the thousand Year millennium is for what is the thousand Year millennium it’s a Time the God sets as one day with him to refine all mankind that ever lived in fact Jehovah God son’s death Jesus Christ died for everyone Jesus Christ is perfectly capable I’ll refining every human being that ever lived God will destroy us on people but God remembers everyone unless you commit the unforgivable sin you will be in the kingdom of God the unforgivable sin is when you are made perfect and Jesus Christ is made perfect that perfect life if you allow God to refine you God intends to refine every human being that ever lived there may be a few that reject but most human beings the holy Spirit can refine us all you’re going to see your dead loved ones in the kingdom of God let God do the separation work in the angels they will do the judging and 144,000 will become spiritual creation sons of God God intens to bring every person back to life that ever lived the thousand Year millennium is Jesus Christ Kingdom God is a god of love he loves everyone he’s ever created the refining work has been going on on all time
Well, Kevin according to the Bible you cross from death, to life when you except and pursue God through Jesus. That’s in this system and those who cross are never judged. The present truth of the JW’s is that you die, you cease to exist. Nothing is saved, your not going anywhere. The new body which is programed from God’s memory, keep track of that fact, God’s memory, will resemble exactly the mind you had, before you ceased to exist.
Yes the witness talk about a sleep in death, go figure that isn’t possible with there understanding of the grave. Those that have lif, preserved in the grave, are given existence again through the resurrection process, as they are not judged. Those in the grave that didn’t pass over from death to life, in their life time remain judged and are turned over to Jesus, now king of the living and the dead. Those that receive existence, life again in a new body as their life force is transfered into it, same process Jesus went through, then recieve along with those few alive, legally alive, the completion of the given ” token: of adoptive spirit ,the “Twinkling”. With this full inheritance all on earth will not sin unless by conscious choice which will be met with death as was the case with Adam and Eve.
Now on the last day those left ,without life in the grave unconscious
Will be cast into the lake of fire having no hope of return.
Really reality is much more straight forward than those who are ,fishing, for the truth. Rather than following a logical UPward path would like you to see.
Don’t feel to bad, I’ve only found a few in the organization in 45 years that actually understood the present truth as it’s called and in each case they’ve said the general population is not strong enough to hear the real truth. I’ve always seen it as a control issue.
Traveler Hello and you also Kevin.
Hello, I hope you are well. I wish I could offer more positive suggestions to Kevin. It seems to me that most that see beyond the witness doctrine focus on the untrue the negitive impact of the organization. One of the negative impacts can be that you retain enough of the logic they do have that it makes associations in other separations from Christ congregation difficult. I,ve seen that all devisions/ denominations have some logic and are thus provisions within this system. But having learned The Father and the Son are individuals, together with a clear historical grasp that the ” theory of the trinity” was never about three individuals, let along in the Bible, it is, if you don’t happen to be a skilled diplomat, difficult to say the least to mingle. “The truth will set you free” , but what then. I would point out that all truth, all steps of logic Jesus showed are simply connected. So taking just those basic facts and a honest hearted approach you will see an UPward path. Unfortunately this path will make distance between you and the world. I’ve laid out a very basic framework on the nature of what is, that it should make progress easier. You’ll note that without exception. Orthodox religious pursuits have no general working idea of what’s going on. The witnesses as pointed out have no hope of a resurrection, while those trying to work with the theory of the trinity, hold God created all things along with the problems of suffering. Then sends part of himself to die, somehow making all the suffering ok in the first place. With statements like that even simple logic is out of reach. Well like I said wish I could help, but every person must present, themselves, by using their power of reason, if they are to be know by christ.
your personal dedication to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ can be shown in many ways always remember the God’s character is love let your be Love character in you. that you can worship God in your own home with your own family remember the principles of the ten commandments and live the law of love to the best of your ability. God will remember those who are alive who have the Seal of God in their forehead and have the commandments of Love. always rememberJehovah loves us all Jesus Christ paid the sin payment because God loves us.
Jesus payed for Adam and Eves sin. This reconciled humanity to our Father allowing approach. Each of us sin in our own turn. We must exercise our faith towards Jesus so we will not be judged. Simple logic. You have a general grasp Kevin, you just need to see that an order is already in place. Trying to put the awareness you have gained by this provision, the witnesses will never add,,, UP unless you look at each piece. Adoption when you pass from death to life and receive the ” token” of adoptive spirit, that gives increased mental capacity, is one of your present truths. This process of adoption is not understood by the organization. They stay focused on the 144000 as special, which they are but just, brothers and sisters all the same as you, but called to. Be servants of the whole congregation , the family of God, servants, the least among you.. They are not to be looked up to as you and everyone enters into a one on one relation ship with our Father.
Hang in Kevin. Remember Jesus couldn’t change the organizing of his day, they’re still out there killing. But Jesus came to help you. He’s not here to save the organizations, he’s got his own. Believe in his congregation and you can not be separated. We all see in hazy out line as the Bible says. Forgive those that….
Hi Jacqueline I’m a may not to come to the Kingdom Hall no more I told how much I love Jehovah and Jesus Christ. and I said it’s absolutely disgusting how the governing body is guilty of child neglect and rape of children. by the policies that the governing body had that was given to elders. and today it’s disgusted how they use the two witness rule to justify the rape of children when simply buy United States law all they had to do was notified social services and let law enforcement do the jobs did they get paid to do the governing body are guilty of rape and child neglect of children and they should be tried in a court of law.
I love Jehovah God and I love to listen to the Jehovah’s witness music but I’m not going to stay with an organization the don’t accept me I love Jehovah God and I love I love Jesus Christ May the spirit of God guide me into making decisions in my everyday life I will still listen to jw.org daily but I’m not going to be abused any longer Jehovah God remember the anointed Jehovah’s witnesses who were abused in 1935 the anointed of Jesus Christ did not end with that generation.
God remembers the abuse of the anointed Jehovah’s witnesses God remembers Jehovah God remembers the little ones he will soon destroy the watchtower.
living in fear is not what Jehovah wants Jehovah wants us to call on the name of Jehovah for the kingdom of God to come mountain call on the name of Jehovah thank you.
I told my daughter Makayla Davis when she was a child then you do not have to be a part love Jehovah’s witnesses organization do have salvation and to be a part of paradise Earth 🌎 that the ark is Jehovah God spirit God’s spirit is the ark and you can have God’s spirit anywhere on Earth billions and billions and billions of people will be resurrected that’s what the thousand Year millennium is for. this is coming from my spirit anointed person
Hello Kevin and nice to hear from you. I have learned that the thousand years will not see billions and billions that have died resurrected. We were told incorrectly. The Bible actually says there is a first resurrection that will include many of the righteous dead and whomever Christ decides comes back. Which may be billions.
However we were never told about the Throne judgment where all will stand before Jehovah and be judged. The Lamb’s Book of life will be present. Those in the first resurrection won’t have to worry about this judgement period as they are in the Lamb’s book of life.
This may take thousands of year to resurrect and judge every person that has lived.
This takes place after the devil is thrown into the Lake of Fire and any one not in the Book of Life will also be thrown there.
So we were not taught the Bible but was taught what Russell and Rutherford thought these scriptures said. Totally ignoring the Great throne judgement.
It is not true that the Governing body is the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7 and 14.
The Bible is very clear that these are Jewish non married males.
So conversely, they are not the ones mentioned for the first resurrection only. There will be many resurrected during the thousand years in the first resurrection.
The Great throne Judgement of Revelation 20 is also a resurrection of what appears to all others that were not included in the first resurrection.
The Bible does not say how long this judgement period is but it states that there will be an accounting for all things done.
He is a Just and Righteous Holly God and Jesus has paid the price for all that want too can submit to the Will of Jehovah.
I agree with your statement that you don’t have to belong to a man made organization such as the watchtower society to get the favor of Jesus and Jehovah or to receive the Holy Spirit.
But they too fall under the paid for sacrifice of Jesus. Many are in religious organizations and not in Christ but they do learn something about the Bible.
So I say Holy Spirit is active now and many men within the local congregations of the watchtower organization are leading the flock in critical thinking. They aren’t suppressing thoughts that align with the Bible.
It would be nice if witnesses would take responsibility for their spiritual health, but they have been taught to rely on the governing body to do their reading and teaching. Laziness yes.
Youtube is a great source of information on what is going on with Israel.
Daniel foretold that knowledge would abound and it is on Youtube. Check out some of the Minitries.
I will began work on BereanBible.net to bring it up to date. I have been so busy lately that I have been learning and speaking face to face with people rather than on the platforms. Take Care
Resurrection; to stand before God and receive the reward for your actions.
(1 Corinthians 15:51-52) 51 Look! I tell YOU a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep [in death], but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet. . . .
When we stand before God, we all do it at the same time, those alive at the time and those in the grave. Those living, and this means those legally having crossed from death to life, receive life permanently. For those in the graves of remembrance, this will be a return to life or existence again. They are also along with those who have crossed from death to life and still existing, considered by God legally alive. This is why they are in the tombs of remembrance.
Resurrection: to stand before God and receive the reward for your actions.
The rest of those in the grave receive a resurrection to judgment. This means that they are left in the grave. Those left in the grave are turned over to Jesus, making him now the “king both of the living and the dead” to await the coming destruction as the great question of God’s sovereignty is answered. The result is that those left unconscious in the grave along with Satan are cast into the lake of fire, the second death.
The “first resurrection” is simply those who are in God’s memory and stand before him first, resulting in a return to existence.
As seen by those left in the grave, you do not have to physically stand before God to receive, participate, in a resurrection event.
No one can be destroyed until the question of God’s sovereignty is finally answered: “why does God have the right to decide right and wrong for us?”
The witnesses, like all provisions/divisions from Christ’s congregation that have a fixed “doctrine”, have a lot of wrong, illogical reasoning in their fixed framework or lack of framework, You may disagree with “fixed”, but you have probably tried to reason with them.
In reality or realities, God’s and any others, frame of mind, is what everything is about. Your frame of mind, how you reason on things, determines your actions. So one with Jesus, as Jesus is one with God, is a statement of common frame of mind, common “ground”. This is what “walking with God” is all about.
These simple realizations of terms such as resurrection, and phrases like “walking with God”, “upward path”, “UPward call” all relate to your frame of mind, Jesus’ frame of mind, God’s frame of mind. These must be heard with “ears”, “eyes”, given by God through the “spirit of adoption”, leading to the twinkling when through the receiving of your complete inheritance of holy spirit, you finally meet Jesus, “see” Jesus in the “air”, the frame of mind you are now “under”, Jesus having replaced the old god of the air, Satan. Only those who formerly saw in “hazy outline”, and are referred to as the “great cloud” of followers because of this, will see Jesus’ coming. Only they have eyes to see and ears to hear. In this way the prophecy is fulfilled, “and every eye will see”.
(Revelation 1:7) . . .Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him. . .
We leave you with this thought and I wish you “well”.
(Philippians 4:4-7) 4 Always rejoice in [the] Lord. Once more I will say, Rejoice! 5 Let YOUR reasonableness become known to all men. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let YOUR petitions be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard YOUR hearts and YOUR mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.
It is heart warming to hear your explanation of denominations/provisions to you daughter. We all at the crossing from death to life legally receive a “token” of adoptive spirit. This is based on heart condition and an understanding of who Jesus was and is. No man can judge if this has actually occurred, except the man that realizes a straight path of logic has begun to be revealed ahead of him in logical footsteps as he follows Jesus’ trail of logic. On this realization and exercise of pursuit, and stand taken we, stand individually before God. It’s important to remember teachers are there to serve us not to look up to.
(1 John 2:20-21) . . .And YOU have an anointing from the holy one; all of YOU have knowledge. 2. . .
But he who guarantees that YOU and we belong to Christ and he who has anointed us is God. 22 He has also put his seal upon us and has given us the token of what is to come, that is, the spirit, in our hearts.
(2 Corinthians 2:14) . . .But thanks be to God who always leads us in a triumphal procession in company with the Christ and makes the odor of the knowledge of him perceptible through us in every place!
(Luke 11:52) 52 “Woe to YOU who are versed in the Law, because YOU took away the key of knowledge; YOU yourselves did not go in, and those going in YOU hindered!”
(2 Corinthians 6:18) . . .“‘And I shall be a father to YOU, and YOU will be sons and daughters to me,’ says Jehovah the Almighty.”
(Ephesians 4:4-6) 4 One body there is, and one spirit, even as YOU were called in the one hope to which YOU were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all [persons], who is over all and through all and in all.
*** it-2 p. 999 Son(s) of God ***
This must mean, then, that the revelation of the sons of God in glory opens the way for others of the human family to enter into a relationship of actual sonship with God and to enjoy the freedom that accompanies such relationship.
The process of sanctification is through learning the truth and receiving the token of the Holy Spirit that purifies the heart and conscience and acknowledges you as a son awaiting adoption. Keep in mind when reading in the Insight on the Scriptures and other publications of the organization that not all writers understand this connection to Yahweh or the need for every person possible to return to the household of God.
(Luke 11:52) 52 “Woe to YOU who are versed in the Law, because YOU took away the key of knowledge; YOU yourselves did not go in, and those going in YOU hindered!”
“Key of knowledge”, the organization has long held that without an accurate understanding of the resurrection hope, faith is useless.
God is a distinct being in identity. I believe you can agree that his mind is higher than ours. His mind certainly is made up of all his thoughts, including his memory and is separate from ours. I believe you can also understand this.
According to present truth in the organization, at death you cease to have existence and to exist. I believe it clearly states as you probably know not one part of you exists after death.
After many encounters with committees and elders during my 45 or so years in the organization, I was always struck by how blindly the elders and members would state this and then try to talk about being asleep in the grave. The organization’s present truth says that a new body is created and then from God’s memory the new mind is reprogrammed with your exact thoughts. I am sure you have spotted the problem as they did when you quote, “not one thing is left after death”. God’s thoughts as well as his memory are “his”.
So you see according to the present truth, you or anyone for that matter, will not “inherit”, will not be “raised up”. Yes the committees and the elders always arrived at this same conclusion, and in my case always recommended that I write the organization.
This is one of many misunderstandings the organization holds as all earthly organizations do.
Jesus, as always, shares or demonstrates the path to understanding. He was as his brothers in all respects. The basis of his identity, was his life force as the organization acknowledges. “ Only in this way could the child born be the same individual as the son of God.”
But when Jesus dies, the organization does not follow through reasoning on the process of the “preserving alive” of identity in the grave. To be the same person as the son of God in heaven who was transferred it follows that Jesus had to be unconscious, “asleep in the grave”, which as it is said is funny enough in that they give a very accurate explanation of our loved ones asleep in the grave.
Only in this way, when Jesus stands before God in a resurrection event and is again given existence, could the being be the same as the one transferred.
Yes new body, thoughts from heaven and earth returned to this new mind and its capacity for consciousness, but the identity of the original Son maintained by the life force being preserved and brought forth from the grave.
It is in this way that you have a hope of “continued” existence, even though you only exist, in the grave.
(2 Timothy 2:8) 8 Remember that Jesus Christ was raised up from the dead and was of David’s seed, according to the good news I preach;
(Romans 12:1) 12 Consequently I entreat YOU by the compassions of God, brothers, to present YOUR bodies a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God, a sacred service with YOUR power of reason.
(Acts 9:21-22) . . .” 22 But Saul kept on acquiring power all the more and was confounding the Jews that dwelt in Damascus as he proved logically that this is the Christ.
(2 Corinthians 13:5) 5 Keep testing whether YOU are in the faith, keep proving what YOU yourselves are. . .
the lake of fire symbolically means the second death. we are all not intended to die when we are made perfect. the sand that cannot be forgiven is when a person sins against the holy spirit of God that’s when a person is perfect and sins against God. Jehovah God intends for everybody to live in a perfect body with a perfect mind that way if you sinned against God you are making your own choice God wants to adopt spiritual sons of Israel 144000. the Earth is going to be filled with people there’s only 8 million Jehovah’s witnesses God indeed wants to save all mankind. I’m looking forward to the billions of people that have lived on planet Earth gaining a perfect bodyand a perfect mind so they won’t die unless they sin against the holy spirit of God. the only way a person can receive the second deathsinagainst the holy spirit God will resurrect every person who ever lived and give them a perfect mind and body.
Mankind must pass from death to life in this system. When you cross from death to life you inhabit the tent/body/earth, that will be changed or transformed at the Twinkling. So the difference between the beast of the field and those being saved is the awareness of Jesus and his Father. God extends to save the entire “inhabited” earth. To treat the spirit of adoption and spirit of understanding as ordinary, means there is no longer a path to forgiveness. You are dead or die, dead, to remain in the grave, until the second death. Remember like resurrection, death is a conditional process. Those perfect in the new system will as Adam and Eve receive judgment as will those already in the grave, as they receive a resurrection result of the second death, destruction. It makes it more apparent that teaching the truth Jesus revealed of his Father’s will, is life saving,(those who have life/crossed over) when you see that “few” find the narrow gate.
life been hard on a lot of us it’s good to know the God’s kingdom will come an everlasting life I believe I will be a part of and a lot of Jehovah’s witnesses are having a hard time in countries the band the activity in Russia the have a propaganda law they believe the Jehovah’s witnesses teach they have the only true religion and they are the only way to God that’s why they banned Jehovah witness religion many Jehovah’s witnesses are in jail in Russia for going against what do Russian government believes is Jehovah’s witness are Jehovah’s witnesses propaganda as long as the Russian government is on Earth it’s unlikely the law will ever be changed. it’s good to know we have a real Jehovah God and a real Jesus Christ you do not have to go through religion to get to God you can simply worship God in your home with your own family Christ will defend the family if any government tries to take family worship away globally.
Wow Kevin I just saw this and I am so sorry for not answering in a timely manner. Glad to see you are doing so well. I am doing just great. I have been trying to tie up loose ends on some projects of our nonprofit before the new period begins in September. Thank you for the report on what is happening in Russia.
Our family relations are healing and I too agree we don’t have to worship our Father within the confines of an organization. Yet I feel those that want or need this oversight have the right to do so. Harm is done when one or both attempt to control and force their decisions on each other.
Jesus will arrive in Jerusalem soon and He will bring all worshippers of Jehovah together.
Take care of yourself and we will open up the Support Group the First Saturday in September.
Your sister and friend in Christ, Jacqueline
sorry if this post twice.
(Matthew 21:43) . . .This is why I say to YOU, The kingdom of God will be taken from YOU and be given to a nation producing its fruits.
Note the (K, upper case) Kingdom of God was already among the “Nation” of Israel. This Kingdom or in Jesus’ case (k,lower case) kingdom means range of influence. The true “Jew” was under God’s influence (Kingdom) and following God.
(Matthew 5:3) . . .“Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.
The one most conscious of his spiritual need was among mankind, Jesus. This is why the “kingdom (k, lower case) of the heavens had drawn near.
(Matthew 6:9-10) . . .“‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.
Drawing closer to God meant that the Kingdom of God, those on earth needed God’s “spirit of adoption” poured out on them and the “spirit of understanding” also, so that they could understand and follow the upward path to, “come”, draw closer to God so that the will of God could be understood and followed as it is in heaven.
(Matthew 6:33) . . .“Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness. . .
So the kingdom (K, upper case) of God was about to be turned over to Jesus and become the kingdom (k, lower case) of Jesus, (his) kingdom of the heavens. “Keep on, then, seeking” was a process of reasoning on the Steps of reason that Jesus shared so that we too could take or in other words follow the “upward path” to a frame of mind that will be one with Jesus and God.
Mankind was only promised to inherit the earth, not heaven. Jesus as an offspring of Abraham secured that promise of inheriting the earth for us. Jesus then as the first born Son of God, inherited, as the “law” foreshadowed, a two-part inheritance from his Father. First, the (lower case) kingship over the earth and then the (lower case) kingship over heaven. This is why our citizenship on earth can be reserved for us in heaven, because our king is there and rules over heaven and earth.
For those who are having trouble with the (lower case/upper case) statements, it helps to remember that God was before all and over all, so anything related to him is absolute or God’s Kingdom (upper case). Then came the fall and everything was no longer under God’s influence. Once things are put back into order by Jesus through his influence or lesser kingdom, lower case, Jesus will himself be subjected to his Father again.
In the time of the end, we have an advantage over the scholars and translators, the opportunity to have an overview. This opportunity is supplied by our time and the Spirit of understanding. The truth is as it is said, hidden from the intellectuals. The truth is a path of basic logic, step by step, simple as in the need to use upper and lower case to show prominence and authority.
May the peace that excels all thought be with you brothers and sisters.
Ted let me know if I collapsed the wrong one. (your double comment).