“Sword of God”- with Ted R


Many visiting this site have been Jehovah witnesses, Scientologist, Bible Students or one of the denominations based on the writings or beliefs of one man or set of men. 

How can we avoid these pitfalls again, now that we have managed to get free? One major scripture was misquoted to all Jehovah witnesses for a century: "Who versus Whom"

67 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.

68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”





494 Responses to “Sword of God”- with Ted R

  1. Theodophilis says:

    A help for understanding Revelation:
    Revelation of Jesus 4 Chiastic Structure

  2. Theodophilis says:

    At this time of year our thoughts go to what our Lord Jesus did for us, his terrible death and his glorious resurrection! In the book of Isaiah Chapter 53 we can see that this was prophesied centuries in advance. Lets examine Isaiah 53
    Isaiah 53
    New International Version
    53 Who has believed our message
    and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
    2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
    and like a root out of dry ground.
    He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
    nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
    3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,
    a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
    Like one from whom people hide their faces
    he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
    4 Surely he took up our pain
    and bore our suffering,
    yet we considered him punished by God,
    stricken by him, and afflicted.
    5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
    the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.
    6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
    each of us has turned to our own way;
    and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all. 7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
    yet he did not open his mouth;
    he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
    and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
    so he did not open his mouth.
    8 By oppression[a] and judgment he was taken away.
    Yet who of his generation protested?
    For he was cut off from the land of the living;
    for the transgression of my people he was punished.[b]
    9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
    and with the rich in his death,
    though he had done no violence,
    nor was any deceit in his mouth.
    10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
    and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin,
    he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
    and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
    11 After he has suffered,
    he will see the light of life[d] and be satisfied[e];
    by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant will justify many,
    and he will bear their iniquities. Yes the death and resurrection was fully described for us in this prophetic, inspired book! This should help us build our faith in our Lord and mediator Jesus the Messiah who came as a sacrificial Lamb to bear our sins and redeem us! As we commemorate that death and resurrection let us do so with faith and reverence. This was the greatest act that anyone has ever done! Honor that sacrifice! Rejoice in his resurrection! And look forward with confidence that he will return and his Kingdom will be with us for all eternity!

  3. Theodophilis says:

    15 Signs of a Christian Cult

  4. Jacqueline says:

    This is from Theodophilis on the Bereanbible.net site

    “Our dear brother Eric Wilson shares some very enlightening information regarding the memorial and who partakes. A must-watch for anyone coming out of Watchtower. Who are the “other sheep “? How often do we partake? Who are the 144000?
    He also provides an alternative time to celebrate for those who can’t share on our celebration. 9 pm. I will probably be on this due to my personal circumstances.

    • traveler says:

      Seal of Anointing

      Seal: Something that confirms, ratifies or makes secure; guarantee, assurance; determine irrevocably or indisputably

      In the sense of a mark of possession, or ownership, Abraham received circumcision as a “seal” of the righteousness that he had.

      (1 John 2:20-21) 20 And YOU have an anointing from the holy one; all of YOU have knowledge.

      (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17) 13 Moreover, brothers, we do not want YOU to be ignorant concerning those who are sleeping [in death]; that YOU may not sorrow just as the rest also do who have no hope. 14 For if our faith is that Jesus died and rose again, so, too, those who have fallen asleep [in death] through Jesus God will bring with him. 15 For this is what we tell YOU by Yahweh’s word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the lord shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep [in death]; 16 because the lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first. 17 Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the lord in the air; and thus we shall always be with [the] lord

      God deals with humanity as a whole, so the sons of Israel, the true Jews by heart and frame of mind, were the few who were Jesus’ brothers. Two-part inheritance goes only to the first born. Jesus made a covenant with these brothers that 144,000 could share a one-part inheritance rule with him over earth. All of the true Jews had the right heart and frame of mind to “see” and “ears” to hear Yeshua /Jesus and receive the knowledge needed to become anointed. As I have already written, no one goes to heaven; we meet Yeshua in the new air of his frame of mind. The god of the air, Satan in this system, now becomes Yeshua in the new system made possible by the twinkling. Thanks Lee if I’m no longer going to use the representation of a mispronunciation of Latin, “Jehovah” which of course is not the English word for the God of truth, Yahweh is, then I should also use the proper pronunciation of Jesus, Yeshua.

      So back to the point, the sons of Israel are not made up of the provision of the 144,000. All of the sons are anointed and partake.

      • jacqueline says:

        Traveler thank you for your comments, many will be able to read them and think about what you have presented. Visitors and many company events have kept me busy this last week and into August so I let the comments show and might not answer to them but others are clicking on the comments. Thanks

  5. Theodophilis says:

    Soon will come the celebration of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. This is a very special occasion for all who love Christ. While we partake of the eucharist throughout the year in remembrance of him, the anniversary of this occasion gives special meaning. The command of our Lord; “keep doing this in remembrance of me” is something that Christians from earliest times took very seriously. The Didache, one of the earliest known non-canonical writings dating to the late first and very early second century gives instructions to those early Christians on how this is to be done.
    Didache Chapter 9
    Instruction regarding the Eucharist.

    9:1 But as touching the Eucharistic thanksgiving give you thanks thus.
    9:2 First, as regards the cup:
    9:3 We give You thanks, O our Father, for the holy vine of Your son David, which You made known to us through Your Son Jesus;
    9:4 Yours is the glory for ever and ever.
    9:5 Then as regards the broken bread:
    9:6 We give You thanks, O our Father, for the life and knowledge which You did make known to us through Your Son Jesus;
    9:7 The glory is Yours for ever and ever.
    9:8 As this broken bread was scattered upon the mountains and being gathered together became one, so may Your Church be gathered together from the ends of the earth into Your kingdom;

    “Mountains” apparently was a common figure of speech meaning “nations.” See The Shepherd of Hermas: Similitudes (Similitude 9:162).

    9:9 For Yours is the glory and the power through Jesus Christ for ever and ever.
    9:10 But let no one eat or drink of this Eucharistic thanksgiving, except those who have been baptized into the name of the Lord;
    9:11 For concerning this also the Lord has said:
    9:12 Give not that which is holy to the dogs.

    Compare: “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you” (Matthew 7:6); “Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord help me. But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs. And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table. Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt.” (Matthew 15:25-28; also Mark 7:27,28)

    Chapter 10
    Concluding instructions about the Eucharist.

    10:1 And after you are satisfied thus give you thanks:
    10:2 We give You thanks, Holy Father, for Your holy name, which You have made to tabernacle in our hearts, and for the knowledge and faith and immortality, which You have made known unto us through Your Son Jesus;
    10:3 Yours is the glory for ever and ever.
    10:4 You, Almighty Master, did create all things for Your name’s sake, and did give food and drink unto men for enjoyment, that they might render thanks to You;
    10:5 But did bestow upon us spiritual food and drink and eternal life through Your Son.
    10:6 Before all things we give You thanks that You are powerful;
    10:7 Yours is the glory for ever and ever.
    10:8 Remember, Lord, Your Church to deliver it from all evil and to perfect it in Your love;
    10:9 And gather it together from the four winds — even the Church which has been sanctified — into Your kingdom which You have prepared for it;
    10:10 For Yours is the power and the glory for ever and ever.
    10:11 May grace come and may this world pass away.
    10:12 Hosanna to the God of David.
    10:13 If any man is holy, let him come;
    10:14 If any man is not, let him repent. Maranatha. Amen.
    Notice it follows the same basic formula presented by our Lord and the Apostles in the Canonical Scripture with a little more detail.
    This is a very solemn occasion not to be taken lightly.
    Unfortunately the Watchtower Society has perverted this grand occasion by excluding the vast majority of their members from sharing in this wonderful meal. As a result millions of people gather to deny the body and blood of Christ. Because of this I personally refuse to share in the heresy as presented by that organization. I feel that they have made it invalid.
    I encourage and invite all who have given their life to our Lord to share that grand occasion with us at this forum. Partaking of the emblems of bread and wine does not signify that a person has a “special calling”. All who have given their life to Christ should share in this memorial meal.
    John 6:53
    New International Version
    53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.

    • jacqueline says:

      TedR, this is interesting. Jesus was very simple in the institution of the Memorial of His death. He didn’t put prohibitions and I notice the use of the Catholic term “Eucharist”.
      I agree it is a solemn occasion but a very simple ceremony without a lot of words.
      Scriptures to explain something of the purpose of Jesus’ death and His second coming are faith strengthening.
      Satanists and some Wiccum observe this day also by passing it from one to another and “NOT partaking”.
      It disrespects Jesus and what he did for us when persons are told they can’t partake.
      I agree that the doctrine that the Bible Students and Witnesses teach about it being only for a special calling of 144,000 isn’t even in the Bible, nor the concept.
      Another made-up doctrine by Russell and the governing body.

      • Theodophilis says:

        Regarding the term Eucharist. While I agree the term is used primarily in the Catholic Church, the term simply means “thanksgiving” in Greek. The term is not solely Roman Catholic! It was used by the early Church Fathers, taught by or contemporaries of the apostles, before the establishment of the Roman Catholic religion. The Didache was written long before the Roman Catholic Church corrupted itself by committing adultery with Constantine’s Roman Government. The term catholic in early Christian writings simple means “universal”. It is referring to the generally accepted word that came down from the apostles, not a particular sect. So Eucharist as described here is not a Roman Catholic term, The Didache was written somewhere around the end of the first century or beginning of the second century while some of the apostles were still alive or shortly after their death. While the early Christian writings are not canonical, we should not dismiss them off hand because they give an insight into what those early Christians believed. Because some writings were of Gnostic origin we must examine the source and make sure it does not deviate from plain Scripture. Gnosticism was one of the earliest heresies and was warned against in Scripture.

  6. theodolphis says:

    One of the basic doctrines of both the Bible Students and the Jehovah’s Witness religion is the invisible presence of Christ. For Bible Students that occurred in 1874 and the JW it was changed to 1919 by Rutherford. A great deal of this stems from the translation of the word “parousia”. Does this hold up? A great video by brother Mark Martin helps address this: https://youtu.be/8f36z0cp-gA
    The Bible is plain! We will see our Lord when he returns! Jesus has been with us invisibly since he left us at his resurrection:
    Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I AM WITH YOUR ALWAYS, to the very end of the age.”
    Why would he have to return invisibly when his invisible presence is already with us?

    • jacqueline says:

      Amen is all I can say. How can intelligent men not see and understand that Russell was just full of himself and everything the Churches said he tried to be opposite or say something new. The present-day watchtower society and the Bible Students refuse to change when even pre-teen youths can see the Bible says every eye will see him.

      The witness watchtower is always coming out with something new and never changing the old erroneous doctrines from Russell and the Bible students, both are the same.
      Both groups also refuse to accept that Christ will sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem as the Bible Clearly says.
      They also refuse to accept they are not the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation that is first fruits.
      The Bible clearly states they are Jewish men not yet sexually involved and it tells them what tribes and how many from each tribe. 3 definitions to show he means Jews.

      I could go on and on but, my brain begs to ask, how are these men not able to understand these clear statements in the Bible?
      Are they too proud to admit they need to throw out Russell’s teachings as Raymond Franz stated and teach the actual Bible instead of the ramblings of a power-hungry man that died on a train still pretending he was touring when his 1914 prediction of the end of the world had made him an outcast?

  7. Ted R aka Theodophilis says:

    Is Jesus Michael the Archangel? A more appropriate question is “Is Jesus a created Angel”. The Seventh Day Adventis Church teaches that Jesus is Michael but it des not teach that Jesus is a created Angel. An interesting perspective from our brother Winston Gilling
    This may resolve some of the conflict, It makes sense to me.
    Jesus is ruler of the Angels. Being the Son of God that would make sense since he was used by the Father to create “all things”. He does not have to be a created Angel to be called an Arch Angel or ruler of the Angels. The Scriptural evidence is here presented.


    • jacqueline says:

      TedR, interesting that Winston would still sort of lean toward Jesus being “over the angels”.He has the same background in many respects as the Witnesses and Bible Students from the Miller movement so I can see why he won’t back away completely from associating Jesus with the Angels.

      Heb 1:5 “For to which of the angels did God ever say, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father”? Or again, “I will be his Father, and he will be my Son”?

      Jesus actually told us what his position is in heaven at the ascension.
      Matt. 28:18-20 “18And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

      Michael is a fighting Angel, a warrior. Jesus wouldn’t need angels to help him fight satan and his angels. When he comes again with angels, they don’t do a thing. He SPEAKS and it is done.

      So He is not just appointed over Angels, He is in Authority as God. Not Jehovah for this is what Paul says about that authority not to be ruling over angels but to rule as “KING, LORD JESUS”. To subject everything under him and then turn it back over to Jehovah God his Father. (Scriptures below)
      Let’s follow this argument then when he is through does he go back to this over the angels existence that Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventist advocate. Winston is 7th day Adventist.

      His seeming anger or tenseness made me look him up to see what dog did he have in the fight that he would insidiously try to expose the witness governing body to bring gullible witnesses under the 7th day Adventist.
      Jesus is borne of God and is as John 1: says God, not an angel. Like I am Human and my son is human, not “A” just human. Fish are fish their offspring are not “A” fish but “Fish”. God’s borne offspring is God, not “A” god. It isn’t about the grammar of definite article stuff. We produce after our kind so a God produces a god if it is borne and not created as angels are created beings, thus not gods.

      “1Cor 15:24 Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

      So here starting at verse 27 He hands the authority back over to Jehovah and it has nothing to do with him being given authority over angels.

      27 “For God[a] has put all things in subjection under his feet.” But when it says, “All things are put in subjection under him,” it is plain that he is excepted who put all things under him. 28 When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things under him, that God may be everything to every one.”

      The Bible clearly tells us what the name of the archangel is, “Michael”, not Jesus and it does not indicate any change of power of archangel (s). There could be more archangels.
      Winston has the same problem as the witnesses in that regard with a twist. They have to dumb down Jesus so that Mrs. White’s teachings like Russell’s have to take a top spot.

      We had a sister who was disfellowshipped from the 7th day Adventist, here in our city and we have a 7th-day church here. Her father is an elder and he could not speak to his daughter.
      “ALL” shunning, not saluting the flag, and on and on is exactly like the witnesses.
      Her dad tried to stop her mother from associating with her daughter but her mother was of a Christian faith not a cult and refused. She allowed her daughter and grand in her house.
      This sister easily rolled into another high control cult because there was no difference in Winston’s religion and the witnesses except the 7th-day sabbath.
      Winston makes a lot of good points but he fails to say who he exactly is and I think that is deception in itself. His demeanor is unsettling since he has never been a witness.

      Thanks for the opportunity for me to finally have my say on Winston and his angry hostile approach when he does not have a dog in the fight. Take Care Ted

      • Ted R aka Theodophilis says:

        Your comment caused me to do some research into the SDA Church. This is what I found concerning Shunning:
        As noted from the official SDA Church manual:
        “When a person has been removed from church membership, the church should, where possible, maintain contact and manifest the spirit of friendship and love, endeavoring to win him/her back to the fold.” (p199, 17th edition) (emphasis added). See:
        While from my research I found that some members may shun former members who have been disfellowshipped, this attitude seems to be changing and is not the general policy of the SDA Church as evidenced above, as it is in the JW faith.
        As far as Winston is concerned, Winston is a former Baptist converted to the SDA Church. His brother is a JW. Winstons purpose is to expose the lies of the Watchtower. Winston condemns shunning strongly. Winston openly expressed disagreement with the SDA Church on the matter of Tithing and has another Channel on YouTube called Adventist Examination where he has openly questioned SDA doctrine. Yet he is not shunned or disfellowshipped as he would be if he was a JW. While I don’t agree with everything he has to say I believe Winston is trying to help people come out of Watchtower control. He is not trying to promote the SDA Church.
        As you pointed out, this all comes from the Millerite movement and there are some similarities. They are closer to the Bible Students than the JW’s. JW’s are rapidly distancing themselves from Russell and very few of their belief’s today are those of Russell. JW were formed by Rutherford. JW’s disfellowshipping policies are far different than under Russell and were not instituted until the 1940’s under Rutherford and Knorr.
        Winston is not saying that Jesus as Michael was only the head of the Angels or a created Angel. He was merely pointing out that as the begotten son of God, one of his responsibilities could have been acting as a leader, chief, prince of the heavenly armies. He was not downgrading Christ in any way. I felt he made some good points. Not trying to argue here, I agree with you for the most part but I have to defend Winston to a certain degree. I feel he is sincerely trying to help those in the Organization to wake up and recognize the organization for what it is.
        Love you dear Sister

        • jacqueline says:

          TedR, I am so glad I was wrong about Winston because I liked what he said but was cautious because we have had many experiences with the SDA Church here as it is the only one in our city.
          Thank you so much for this info on who Winston really is. I will go alert those that wondered about Winston that you have answered what questions we might have had. Thank you so much!
          We have had many discussions about him. This will help the brothers see him in a different light, including me.
          I followed him for a long time and he would not reveal openly why he was upset in his tone.
          Now I understand. Love you, I knew you would get on it. People need to know.
          Openness is what those who have come out of darkness need.

          That is what our walk toward or with God is about discussion Ted. It is like Tennis you serve the ball back and forth to each other. This helps us to grow.
          Our Chicago Bible Student class actually met in an SDA Church on Sunday for years. I would take their pamphlets and read their board.

          Most aren’t aware that when the Witnesses come out with “new light” they are normally going back to Russell’s writings. My husband would go find the passages.
          I actually after being with the BS found the Witness organization to be more built up like Russell started it than the BS. Rutherford and Knorr refined it.
          What we see today is from 1968 when the governing body began to form.

          I prospered and was happy as a child with 9 brothers and sisters under the pre-1968 simple arrangement. It never affected us negatively as we were in line with our communities of other Christians.

          Since I am not an SDA, I don’t have a problem with them. They do shun to an almost deadly degree just as the watchtower society. We had a big Church here and had a family come from them into the witnesses.
          What they do is their business so I leave that alone.
          Only that which I have experienced can I talk about to help those that have decided to come out of the witnesses.

          When I comment it is never personal toward the writer you or any of my brothers. You are the messengers of hope and work very hard. Since your page is in the top 5, hundreds will see our conversation this weekend and understand Winston.

          Discussion in freedom and understanding of our different Youtube brothers, who are working so HARD is greatly appreciated.
          Thank you again, my brother.

  8. Ted R aka Theodophilis says:

    In this time with covid and unrest. As we await the coming of our Lord. Here is a a couple songs to bring us encouragement
    What a friend we have in Jesus. he is there for us no matter our troubles.
    What a friend we have in Jesus
    Yes he is our true loving master and friend. He calls us to him when we are weary of the troubles of this life.

    • jacqueline says:

      Theodophilis, I actually do praise worship on youtube music. I believe singing is an important part of worship. “Now Behold the Lamb” by Kirk Franklin, “Father Can You Hear Me” by Tiffany Evans,
      “Every Praise” by Hezekiah Walker, “Way Maker” by Sinach, Break Every Chain” by Tasha Cobb.
      They are not sad song praising the governing body or any men, Just Jehovah or Jesus.
      I love your links

  9. Ted R aka Theodophilis says:

    The Trinity Doctrine of Today Is Not What Early Christians Believed
    Most Christians have a wrong understanding of the Trinity Doctrine. What did the Nicene Creed really teach? What did those early Christians believe? An excellant explanation of the true doctrine.

  10. Ted R aka Theodophilis says:

    Are we saved by Faith or Works?
    Can we buy our way into Paradise through works?
    Are we once saved always saved?
    What did the early Christian believe?
    David Bercot, a raised as a member of the Jehovah’s Witness religion helps us to appreciate what the Bible says and what those early, pre-Nicene Christians believed.
    What the Early Christians Believed about Salvation. David Bercot


    • jacqueline says:

      TedR, I love your new Moniker “Theodophilis.
      I haven’t looked at the link presented but just like to give my thoughts on what I am able to understand about “Being Saved”.
      I believed that Jesus saved us from the PENALTY OF DEATH, he ransomed us from having to die and never be able to live again. Jehovah accepted his sin-free, Law fulfilling life as a ransom.
      He did it for free, we didn’t have to pay or do anything, even nonbelievers, in fact, the whole world is saved. And once saved always saved, Jehovah nor Jesus has taken that away from Mankind.

      How do I get everlasting life? What do I have to do to take advantage of this new right to live?

      The “Will of God”. That includes obedience to His laws.
      That Ransom had a beautiful clause that says if I fail in keeping the will of God I can fall under the blood and ask forgiveness in Jesus’ name and I continue on forgiven in my quest to attain Eternal Life.
      This would not be possible if I were not “Saved” or released from the first penalty by MERCY and the “Blood of the Lamb”. So nothing to get saved but something to attain everlasting life.
      Take Care

  11. Ted R says:

    More information regarding Christmas. Is it really a pagan holiday as some suggest. Great article.

  12. Ted R says:

    Extremely interesting video
    The Final Timeline – Part 2 The Final Year of Plagues and Trumpets

  13. Ted R says:

    This time of year we soon celebrate the Birth of our Lord. Many say that this is a holiday based on Paganism. Here is an interesting video defending Christmas.

    “In Defense of Christmas” – Steve Lagoon – 219

  14. Ted R says:

    The Watchtower is a master of twisting Scripture! This disgusting video highlights how the rank and file is brainwashed!!!

  15. Ted R says:

    Is Corona Virus the beginning of the Great Tribulation? What is it’s signigicance in Bible prophecy? Here is a balanced Scriptural view for all of us to consider.
    It is time for the Nations to repent!

    CORONAVIRUS: A Wake-Up Call for the Nations!

  16. Ted R says:

    The Greek Septuagint Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures was used by the very early Christians. I am attaching a link to an Interlinear Translation of the Septuagint. Some may be interested to aid in their study of Scripture.

  17. Lee Anthony says:

    I had been looking at the divine name video before on same day you posted it, also have been researching lost tribes… Jews have a dna that can be matched but the lost tribes have no distinct dna from my understanding, Makes sense cause they are lost…. I have been looking into these different dna places and seeing how they match people up, I had mine tested and they were very accurate to an extent to what I know of my family, 97% match to northern Germanic tribes, Danes… Likely Viking ancestors and some of the northern tribes that roughed up the Roman Empire…. Much of Israel was integrated into these peoples as well, and of interest for us all, Bible says they will also return. There Is Israel ALL over and none know it at all.

    • jacqueline says:

      Hey just want to weigh in on this. The Samaritans are only half-Jew, they are people who mixed marriage with the indigenous nations when they would be conquered.
      Also, some Jews are not returning because they know that there will be great destruction. One grouped “Called Out Believers” on Youtube says they are not lost but will only return if they feel the call from Jehovah. They say many Jews feel this way and help those that hear the call to return. They are Torah Christian Jews. Just wanted to jump in.

    • jacqueline says:

      Yes, it can and the plot thickens. The Papacy fulfilled every word of the Man of Sin or Anti-Christ but there have been many. Trump says he is the chosen one also.
      The United States is from Great Britain and they really have a Queen, a woman.

  18. Ted R says:

    Interesting information regarding the early migrations of the Hebrews.

  19. Ted R says:

    Excellent videos regarding the Holy Name of God! Should we use Gods name in everyday speech? How is it pronounced? Does it matter?

    The Hidden Beauty of the Holy Name of God – YHVH

    The Sacred Name – TorahResource

  20. Ted R says:

    A verse by verse commentary on 1 Corinthian 5 regarding Church discipline!
    Corinth was an extremely immoral and materialistic city. The Church in Corinth was greatly affected. They were turning a blind eye to sins within the Church. Notice Pauls council: (Young’s Literal Translation)
    5:1 Whoredom is actually heard of among you, and such whoredom as is not even named among the nations — as that one hath the wife of the father! —
    A case of gross immorality with a son having relations with his own step-mother, obviously the Church was aware of it!

    2 and ye are having been puffed up, and did not rather mourn, that he may be removed out of the midst of you who did this work,
    Rather than being upset by such blatant immorality, they tolerated it refusing to remove this evil from the church.

    3 for I indeed, as being absent as to the body, and present as to the spirit, have already judged, as being present, him who so wrought this thing:
    Yes even Paul, although not present, was appalled at this case of gross immorality and was ashamed that the Church tolerated such actions.

    4 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ — ye being gathered together, also my spirit — with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    5 to deliver up such a one to the Adversary for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
    Paul here councils that if such a person is unrepentant and wants to continue in such a course he should be removed from fellowship with the Church in hopes that he will come to his senses.

    6 Not good [is] your glorying; have ye not known that a little leaven the whole lump doth leaven?
    7 cleanse out, therefore, the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, according as ye are unleavened, for also our passover for us was sacrificed — Christ,
    8 so that we may keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of evil and wickedness, but with unleavened food of sincerity and truth.
    Allowing such wickedness can effect the entire congregation with unclean attitudes. The fellowship of the church must be kept clean!

    9 I did write to you in the epistle, not to keep company with whoremongers —
    10 and not certainly with the whoremongers of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, seeing ye ought then to go forth out of the world –
    Paul makes it clear that he was only talking about those who are in fellowship, not those who are outside.

    11 and now, I did write to you not to keep company with [him], if any one, being named a brother, may be a whoremonger, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner — with such a one not even to eat together;
    12 for what have I also those without to judge? those within do ye not judge?
    13 and those without God doth judge; and put ye away the evil from among yourselves.

    In the early Church, meetings consisted of loving fellowship, the bread and wine was shared commemorating the death of our Lord Jesus and his sacrifice and feasting. A person expelled from the Church would no longer have a share in such fellowship.
    No where here do we see any reference to a complete shunning. Those engaging in such conduct would be treated as those outside of the Church, no longer considered a brother. The judging belongs to Christ! Other Scriptures council us to show Christian love and try to readjust these wrong doers and sinners, To help them if they are willing, while keeping an eye on ourselves so that we not be led into debauchery.

    Mark 2:17
    And Jesus, having heard, saith to them, `They who are strong have no need of a physician, but they who are ill; I came not to call righteous men, but sinners to reformation.’
    Luke 17:3 `Take heed to yourselves, and, if thy brother may sin in regard to thee, rebuke him, and if he may reform, forgive him,
    4 and if seven times in the day he may sin against thee, and seven times in the day may turn back to thee, saying, I reform; thou shalt forgive him.’
    Galatians 6:6 Brethren, if a man also may be overtaken in any trespass, ye who [are] spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of meekness, considering thyself — lest thou also may be tempted;
    A person removed from fellowship is not completely shunned. Rather he is viewed as an outsider. He is no longer considered a brother thus he would not share in the fellowship and feasting of the early Church nor would he be permitted to share in the Eucharist with believers until he repents and turns from his wicked conduct! NOT SHUNNED!!!!!

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