News – Blues & Announcements – With Henry

News & Announcements

HI everyone! Let me tell you about myself.
My name is Henry and I'm 68 years old. I have 3 sons and 5 grandchildren.
I was a Jehovah's Witness from 1971 to 2007(36 yrs.)  I served as a Ministerial Servant and Elder during that time. I also associated with the Bible Students for approximately 5 years. 
I've always been interested in history and current events. (I won the city-wide current events
contest when I was in 6th grade.)*:) happy  As regards this page I'll be scouring the Internet,
documents, and radio for articles relating to history and the current events as it relates
to the Bible and religion. Occasionally I will write some personal articles that I hope you will find engaging.
Feel free to post articles you may have found that you think would be of interest to our
readers. Some of you have posted articles already and I want to thank you for those and 
I'll be looking for many more in the future.
P.S. Oh! Concerning the "Blues" part we'll have to see where that leads us!

255 Responses to News – Blues & Announcements – With Henry

  1. Ted R says:

    It is strange that the Watchtower Organization is more concerned about the use of blood than it is in the use of aborted fetuses when developing vaccines.

    We all have to exercise our conscience on this matter. I for one cannot in good conscience take any vaccine developed from a company that is profiting from abortion but it is a personal decision. We all stand before our Lord based on our own merits.

    • jacqueline says:

      TedR, the watchtower actually had a letter read assuring the friends that it is okay to take both vaccines as they are free from blood.
      Actually, the abortion industry is a money-making business. They use aborted tissue from fetuses even in things we wouldn’t imagine.
      The murder of humans will be dealt with by the only one that can do it Jehovah thru the King Jesus.
      Looking at Jesus’ prophecy of the last days shows he knew about the murder of offspring would exist. I would bet we are using many medical products with aborted and miscarried fetuses in them. I was young and remember signing papers when my husband and I miscarried a number of times, now I wonder what was I signing away.
      I got your email and you hang in there. Take care TedR.

  2. Ted R says:
    852 – NEWS 1 – New Russian Raids on Jehovah’s Witnesses | Why?
    This says it all!!!
    Thanks Winston

  3. Ted R says:

    This is a well balanced approach for us all to consider as Christians. It looks at all sides of the issue to help us determine what our Christian conscience will dictate for each of us to consider since we all stand or fall by our own conscience! It does not tell us what to do, but gives us Scriptural guidelines to consider. Each of us must make our own decision. To do that we should look at all sides of an issue. This video will help us do that without telling us what we should individually do or passing judgement on others.
    Should Christians take the COVID vaccine?

  4. Ted R says:

    It looks like many of the early vaccines are made using fetal stem cells. We see more and more of this. Could this be the real reason so many push for legalized and government subsidized abortion? Are abortion clinics being used as stem cell farms for their vaccines and other drugs? I personally have to commend any religious leader who stands up for the Bible and condemns the use of fetal stem cells for ANY reason!!!
    Will the Watchtower follow suit? In this case I hope so!

  5. Jacqueline says:

    This is for your information video.
    Also, you may also visit their site

    Here is another set of videos that helps us keep on the watch.


  6. jacqueline says:

    Over 5,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses die from Covid- 19. We pray for our brothers and the whole world. None of us are exempt. God bless.

  7. jacqueline says:

    While we are stressing over an election this is going on in the world. The planet is experiencing what Revelation foretold. Water and Fire

  8. Ted R says:

    A petition to the Canadian Law Association and Supreme Court regarding the Watchtowers lying before the Spreme Court of Canada

  9. Ted R says:

    It would have been nice if the Society addressed the abuse issues like this. Sexual abuse occurs or has occurred in many organizations and religions. Unfortunately people have weaknesses, some serious as in these cases. Christian organizations are not exempt. But how do they handle things when allegations come up? Do they try to hide the issue? Down-play it? Deny it? Shift the blame? Or do they take honest, firm steps to apologize to those affected and make restitution? Do they humbly admit the problem and make changes? See the attached article and note how Moody Bible addresses the issue.

    • jacqueline says:

      TedR, this one strikes home for me. The handling of my case was the best response that the governingbody could have given me, IT SET ME FREE FROM THEM FOREVER!

      The watchtower society’s governing body reply to me after going to court and winning a restraining order against their elder, the body of elders and them was:

      “He will remain an elder because you prevented the rape and that means he really didn’t do anything, so your restraining order is sufficient punishment.”

      Although this elder sexually harassed another sister in our congregation in the same manner without letup, they said he will remain an elder. The courts sentenced him to see a psychologist and wondered what type of religion would come to court on behalf of a sexual predator?

      Their lawyers drew up a letter and 30 elders were called into a meeting with the District Overseer and the Circuit Overseer to go to court against me, although they had 5 meetings with this elder to ask him to cease his conduct. Their letter made them a part of the proceedings.
      The man confessed in court to the judge that everything I said about his conduct was true and had been stalking me for 9 years he said. I nor my husband ever knew this at the time. She asked the elders present, did you know he would confess? The audience busted out laughing at them. I won.

      Later another elder on the committee alleged that the society told this elder to do this to discredit me because I was on the list to be a major witness for a 20-year-old who was raped and impregnated by a ministerial servant in a home where the book study was. She was 12 years old when this happened and was suing them then.
      They were aware that he was stalking me as he had privately confessed a couple of times to the Circuit overseer. They knew but never told me or my husband. They said they always made sure a brother was next to him when he went near me at the kingdom hall. So they knew he would do this.

      The same thing the Bible Student brothers do when they have a known sexual predator in their congregation. I helped monitor one such brother when his person needed to have a break. The entire assembly and congregation were aware however in the case of the Bible Students.

      The Bible Students do not keep it a secret if there is an accused sex offender in your midst whether true or not. They put a man on that person every minute they are at a convention or a meeting.
      Some conventions of the Bible Students say NO! Don’t send these people and they do notify a convention if they see a known or accused offender. THEY DON’T PLAY! THEY LET THE ENTIRE CONGREGATION KNOW UPFRONT! These persons can repent and be forgiven as this shows. But the Bible Students will deal with it openly. One young one confessed to me as Ask Jacqueline and they got on it in a real way! He went to jail after confessing the child was telling the truth.

      Matthew 12:30-32: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. And so I tell you, any sin and blasphemy can be forgiven. … And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.”

  10. Henry says:

    In the past year there has been fires in California, Oregon, Washington, Canada, The Amazon and Australia. Now there\’s fires in the Middle East and Africa\’s Mount Kilimanjaro!,Wildfires%20in%20the%20Middle%20East%20leave%203,force%20thousands%20to%20flee%20homes&text=link%20Copy%20link-,Wildfires%20around%20the%20Middle%20East%20triggered%20by%20a%20heatwave%20hitting,media%20and%20officials%20said%20Saturday

    Record floods in China!
    \’Everything is gone.\’ Flooding in China ruins farmers and risks rising food prices

  11. Henry says:

    Here’s a shocking story from Kamchatka peninsula in Russia. 95% of sea of marine life on the surrounding sea bed! russian-scientists-report-mass-death-of-sea-life-off-kamchatka-peninsula 30879007.html
    After reading these news articles I began to wonder if there were any Bible prophecies being fulfilled in these news reports.

  12. jacqueline says:

    200,000 deaths from Covid-19 in 200 days in the United States.
    1,000 dying a day or another way to put it:

    A jumbo jet full to capacity dropping from the sky every day for 200 days including Saturday and Sunday.

    This pandemic seems to have a brain that if you say you can’t get it or show disregard for the effective spread, it makes sure it comes after you.

    We all can get it but wearing a mask is showing respect for the lives of others you come around.

    One disrespectful person or a few can be like typhoid Mary and take down a nation.
    Let us Pray.

  13. jacqueline says:

    Serbia and Kosovol first Muslim countries to put support Israel as Capital.

    • Lee Anthony says:

      Of interest to me lately has been these Muslim countries making deals of recognition of Israel and opening up trade etc. The UAE, Egypt, and now others are said to follow soon perhaps. I believe this is going to lead up to the “covenant with many” being made in Daniel and this of course involves the powers, beast, antichrist, etc. The wording in Daniel is hard to ignore considering the current world situation. Yom Teruah is very close, the day of the sounding of the shofar/feast of trumpets. The sounding of shofar is associated with Jesus return in more than a few places, he even mentions it himself that there will be the sound of the great trumpet upon his return in Matthew. Corinthians, Thessalonians, Zechariah and revelation all mention this as well. PATTERNS! This is the next holy day to be fulfilled as the first 4 were all fulfilled in and by Christ. Soon after trumpets comes the Day of Atonement, 2020 is unique in that all days of holy feasts have occurred on the same day as it did 2000 years ago when Yeshua was on earth and the fulfillment’s began, not saying this means anything, but I find it of interest and It is soon to be revealed what will happen next with the holiest month of Gods calendar Soon to be upon us.

  14. Henry says:

    Here’s something funny. Check it out.

  15. jacqueline says:

    How many Jehovah’s Witnesses are disfellowshipped yearly?
    70,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses
    An estimated 70,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses are disfellowshipped every year — roughly 1% of the church’s total population, according to data published by the Watchtower. Their names are published at local Kingdom Halls. Of those, two-thirds never return. Mar 18, 2018, Michigan news

    It seems the ones that are shunning persons for changing their way they worship God are the ones engaging in all sorts of illicit conduct.
    In fact, it is becoming apparent that the harshest shunners are the biggest deceivers, committing adultery, fornication, pedophilia, thievery, and more.
    The ones they are shunning just simply left the religion because of worship of the governing body or just walked away.
    So watch who is doing the harshest shunning because they are putting up smokescreens so no one notices their conduct.
    This is being revealed more and more every week as the hidden things are coming to like as witnesses are confessing their sins because they view COVID – 19 as part of the great tribulation, thus deathbed repentance is going on.

  16. Henry says:

    Is the Corvid 19 virus spread from animals? This possibility is discussed in the link to an
    article I have posted below.
    A number of months ago we on this site was discussing this same matter but didn’t post it because we only heard it from one source and it mysteriously disappeared. However today I heard it on radio and the Internet and I decided to put it up.

  17. Lee Anthony says:

    Speaking of China,
    The government seems to be doing similar things that Constantine did by using “church“ as a tool, excepting the fact he caused all to conform to the faith, China instead seems to be conforming the faith to their own governing methodology including writing a bible of their own that the “sanctioned church” is allowed to use. The beast of the East is changing a bit, but seems to be holding the same old methods just in different ways that we have always seen the adversary work only this time it is a bit more apparent than when the Beast of the Middle East made the changes, now the Mid East has a new Holy book and a new prophet, (Old Now) Goodbye Rome Hello Islam, What of the Whole World? Atheist/Communist type beasts are more common (N. Korea, China) So no more state religions, is all the world to follow suit and discard God as both The true God and the False?

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