News – Blues & Announcements – With Henry

News & Announcements

HI everyone! Let me tell you about myself.
My name is Henry and I'm 68 years old. I have 3 sons and 5 grandchildren.
I was a Jehovah's Witness from 1971 to 2007(36 yrs.)  I served as a Ministerial Servant and Elder during that time. I also associated with the Bible Students for approximately 5 years. 
I've always been interested in history and current events. (I won the city-wide current events
contest when I was in 6th grade.)*:) happy  As regards this page I'll be scouring the Internet,
documents, and radio for articles relating to history and the current events as it relates
to the Bible and religion. Occasionally I will write some personal articles that I hope you will find engaging.
Feel free to post articles you may have found that you think would be of interest to our
readers. Some of you have posted articles already and I want to thank you for those and 
I'll be looking for many more in the future.
P.S. Oh! Concerning the "Blues" part we'll have to see where that leads us!

255 Responses to News – Blues & Announcements – With Henry

  1. Henry says:

    NEW COVID VARIANT WITH MANY MUTATIONS! On November 26th 2021 I was made aware that a new variant of Covid was detected in South Africa. I will post links here to the breaking story. BBC U.K. WION India
    I will continue to monitor this story closely as it develops.

  2. jacqueline says:

    From the desk of Barbara Anderson: Watchtower building projects are expanding. It seems they think we are not nearing the return of Christ on earth to set up His authority.

    They like all corporations are making plans for a Money-Making System.

    Jesus just doesn’t figure into the equation.

    21 building, 2.1 million-square-foot development on 249 forested acres. The live, work, play campus has offices, an AV production studio, and Events Center, 10 mid-rise residential buildings, and amenities including a fitness center. The campus is expected to receive approximately 1,300 visitors per day. The campus Events Center will serve breakfast and lunch to the entire population of the campus.


    • They like all corporations are making plans for a Money-Making System.

      Jesus just doesn’t figure into the equation.

      Sad but true. Like the hypocritical Pharisees these GB men go after big money but tell the sheep “not togo to college but pioneer ! Materialism and love of money is a sin”, yet WT has multiple stocks and even some in armaments indirectly.

      “You cant slave for God and for riches” -Jesus said

  3. Henry Henson says:

    Unusual Earthquake Occurs in Australia! Videos and articles are in the link below.
    Matt. 24:7, Mark 13:8, Luke 21:11
    Read the article to see why it was unusual.

    • Henry says:

      Sorry their was a technical problem with this posting. So what was the answer to the question “what was different about this earthquake and earthquakes in the past in regards to Australia? The answer: Past earthquakes was always under the ocean. This one was the only one under the land mass of the continent of Australia.

  4. Henry Henson says:

    ALERT: On September 13,2021 ABC TV a documentary show called FOUR CORNERS about J.W.s and their shunning policies will be discussed. The program is titled “BEARING WITNESS” It will be shown MONDAY SEPT:13th at 8:30 PM. I’ve posted their link in the next sentence.

    You probably will have to consult your local listings to get the program when it plays in your area. I will be looking for other listings and will post them on this site.

  5. jacqueline says:

    If you want to see a Bible student convention these are the links.

    The 2021 Bible Students General Convention on Zoom will be held from Saturday, July 17th through Wednesday, July 21st.

    Convention Broadcast Times – Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4)

    July 17-21 starting at 12:30 pm EDT

    Video Replays: or go to the “Bible Students Channel” in YouTube in the “2021 General Convention” playlist.

    Audio Replays: Talks will be available on the Bible Resources app or at

  6. Theodophilis says:

    Interesting news from Ghana
    Vote or do not get Government Benefits

    • jacqueline says:

      Thank you for posting this latest info. He is doing a great service for our African brothers.
      We talk on facebook. I have a voters registration card for some time and do vote in some elections. They can’t do anything to you if you vote. To do so opens them to a lawsuit of violation of Civil Rights. People are so afraid of these men to challenge them by living their lives in accord with the will of God. If they want to go to the kingdom hall with their family because the other mate is going to take the kids go, but live only in accord with the Word of God!

  7. Henry says:

    This will probably be only the beginning of what they will pay for dividing families the way they did mine. We can’t even share vital family medical information because of the Governing Body’s policy. It’s a shame what they have done.

  8. jacqueline says:

    Brothers this is very important to view because Kim and Mikey sum up the letter I mentioned that I received earlier but didn’t post about the redress in Australia.

    They also explain that many more brothers are seeing a need to break off into too small groups and study within the organization.

    These are some ways that might explain the recent attention being paid to our little group by the watchtower society. We have shown how it can be done and sustained.

    Also, they will give the culmination of over a decade of work by Barbara and Me that started the highlight on Australia back in 2010.

    The girl that came on the fojw when askjacqueline was hosted there and said “Jacqueline help Me please I don’t know my age or who I am”.
    She committed suicide but her death was not in vain, this is the triumph of that contact.
    I immediately got in touch with the Australian police and found her. Thus began the groundwork for the forming of the Australian Royal Commission on Child sexual abuse.

  9. Henry says:

    Governing Body member Stephen Lett’s prediction “So the events unfolding around us are making it clearer than ever that we’re living in the FINAL PART of the LAST DAYS, undoubtedly the FINAL PART of the FINAL PART of the LAST DAYS, Shortly before the LAST DAY of the LAST DAYS.”

    Governing Body also predicts we have 12 months left before the end and scripturally try to prove it.

    Yes, the end WILL come but not because of anything the Governing Body predicts but rather it will end when the FATHER JEHOVAH decides to do it! (Mark 13:32-37,Matthew 24:36.) Anybody else who tries to take that authority from him will ultimately fail. Don’t the G.B. ever learn from past mistakes and failed attempts.

    They predicted, 1874,1878,1914,1925,1975,1984 and when the GENERATION that witnesses the events of World War 1 and so on, would not die out before seeing Jehovah’s Day. Sounds like they are trying to hold on to those who hope they get it right this time. After 36 years of playing games with God’s Word, I finally decided to say Bye Bye to those MEN and I will trust and worship JEHOVAH and his son JESUS! (Hebrew 1:1-14)

  10. Henry says:

    Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

  11. Ted R aka Theodophilis says:

    Getting the vaccine is a personal choice. Each of us has to decide whether to take the risk. I remember the Swine Flue vaccine back in the 80’s. It was eventually discontinued due to its adverse reactions and deaths. I feel it is important to know the risks which is why I am posting this information.

    This is one reason I will not get the vaccine. You have to make your own choice. Just be informed of the risks and not just the propaganda put forth from the organizations who are profiting from this.
    Over 800 deaths have been reported so far according to the VAERS government website.
    Here is one example:

    • Henry says:

      Thanks Ted. I agree that taking the vaccine is a personal choice. As for me I haven’t decided as to what I’ll do. Guess I’ll wait and see how others do.

  12. jacqueline says:

    Indonesia had an earthquake yesterday.

    And they had such floods already

    If we aren’t in the “End Times” then we have no hope for survival if this isn’t the birth pains.

  13. jacqueline says:

    Covid has caused us to overlook the fires, floods, and earthquakes that have happened in 2020 together with the plague.
    Never happened all in one-year simultaneously.

  14. Ted R says:

    More information regarding the use of aborted fetal cells in vaccines and how they are used. Each of us have to examine the facts and make an informed moral decision regarding vaccines. I want to be clear, I am not telling anyone that this is wrong. That is a decision we each have to make with a clear conscience toward or Lord. This is informational only!
    Several COVID-19 Vaccines Are Made Using Aborted Fetal Cells

  15. Lee Anthony says:

    Fun fact I am finding many do not know. The Covid vaccine is an Mrna, it is the first of its kind to be used in humans. Usually a vaccine uses a small amount of weaker virus like with the flu, Mrna works differently, in a nutshell it trains good protector cells to fight the bad ones. That’s probably too simple so I would look it up as it’s more detailed than that. The point is, it is new, unknown, and very much untested. Keep on the watch!
    A side note, there is yet another couple of countries normalizing ties with Israel and others are likely soon to come. Keep in the watch!

  16. Henry says:

    Covid 19 Virus jumping species and mutating! Could it weaken the vaccine’s effectiveness?

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