Zoom Information- Saturday Support Group meeting with Henry

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WELCOME TO ZOOM Free Conference Call

Instead of closing the support group for the summer so all can be face to face with family, we by popular demand will just change the hours.

We have changed the time to 8 PM (CST), 9 PM (EST), and 6 PM West Coast.

However, we are still on for Bible Study every Thursday at 7 PM (CST).

You may speak freely here!

Come on by clicking on the link below OR you may copy and paste directly in your browser if you have low bandwidth. OR you may download the ZOOM APP from your play store

Berean Bible Fellowship is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Berean Bible Studies is Thursday: at 7 pm CST, 8 pm EST, and 5 pm PST. With Dave

Support Group is  Saturday: 8 pm CST, 9 pm EST, and 6 pm PST With Henry


Join Zoom Meeting


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Password: 7260

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Meeting ID: 826 430 5818
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We use this room only in an emergency. 



DIAL IN NUMBER IS:     (605) 313-4166   

ACCESS CODE IS:              239-133




PLEASE scroll down for program listings after reading set up.

Meet The Team

Bios are below and at their linked page, Thank you.

Dave from the United States, THURSDAY NIGHT

Lee Anthony the United States- PODCASTER

Rene, California, USA-Stress Management

Greg from Canada, (Henry is substituting for Greg)

Marjo from Finland, OPEN FORUM

Henry from the United States, SATURDAY NIGHT

 Appointment forum with Jacqueline, USA 






Bible Study and Research

A Southern gentleman indeed!

Thursday night, 7pm (CST), 8pm (EST) 5pm (MT)  

Click here to see a  summary of last week happenings. 



Smile! Be Happy! Welcome

Greg (Support Group

Henry is substituting for Greg)


Saturday Night  7pm (CST) 8pm (EST) 5pm (MT)

He listens with compassion and empathy!



Meet Marjo, from Finland




Overcoming Addictions with Lee Anthony



Let's talk  it through


Managing Stress through Talk Therapy with Rene

Go to her page and set up an appointment.

Remember she is on Pacific standard time (PST)


Stress is Real

Next Steps…


Please leave in the comment section a time you would like to talk about. Central Standard Time Zone is the best for me. (ie) Chicago time.

I will open the room to chat with you at that time or make another schedule


Thank you for visiting.

Call to Action

124 Responses to Zoom Information- Saturday Support Group meeting with Henry

  1. Greg says:

    Hi Nubby!!

    The following youtube link was shared at the testimony meeting last night.
    The text reads: “Published on Dec 12, 2018 – Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat joins us via Skype from Jerusalem to explain the significance of the secretive ceremony performed by the Sanhedrin near the walls of the Old City Monday, the final day of Hanukkah, to consecrate a stone altar for the future Third Temple.”

    BTW, we’re currently experimenting with opening the room an hour earlier, officially at 7PM EST (although last night I actually opened it at about 5:30pm EST), so if that time maybe works for you, we’d love to have you join.

    Greg this is the altar link.

  2. Nubby Tope says:

    The Jews are going to rebuild the temple? Did I read that right?

  3. Greg says:

    Wow, what a wonderful time tonight! Thank you EVERYONE!!

    You know, for only 7 of us, we typed in 460 chat messages. That’s a lot to try and keep up with. So if I missed anything, (and I’m sure I did,) it wasn’t intentional.

    I’m tired! Happy, enthused, encouraged, and tired.

    • jacqueline says:

      What a night. I need to get to Dave and tell him about the Jews plans to build the temple and find the link for the altar that was built in 2015 and they are training priests in the protocol. Our Thursday study had us dumbfounded and thinking we were mistakened on what we saw in scripture. I will go to Dave’s page to link this discussion tomorrow.
      After the great witness experience today from 9am until 4pm then tonight. I am dead tired too Greg.
      God’s Grace and Love is just overpowering sometimes!

  4. jacqueline says:

    Hi Greg, I am signed in BBB now also. It is 5:16 here in the United States.

  5. Greg says:

    I wanted to thank all “the guys” who shared in the testimony meeting on Saturday the 17th. It was a bit unusual in that for most of the evening, it was “men only.” 🙂 As much as we missed our regular female voices, we also enjoyed and made good use of the time to ourselves.

    We enjoyed talking about the Leah Remini show, and we discussed a variety of subjects including medical marijuana, depression, mental illness, and the craziness of trying to “control” how you feel. This prompted me to get busy writing an article called, “Can You Really Control Your Emotions?”

    I sincerely thank everyone who had a share.

  6. jacqueline says:

    KENT YOU ARE THE GREATEST! Thank you so much for the link to the BBB.
    God Bless You!

  7. Marjo says:

    For me perfect time would be somewhere between here
    Fin / Chi

  8. Marjo says:

    It was so nice to hear and see you both Jackie and Greg. I can’t believe that it has been almost a year when I have been talking with you. In that year I was looking for myself. Now I have found it. The inner peace I was talking about last night. Last year there was too much thoughts in my head. I had to clear up them first before I could read Bible with full power. Now I can actually feel the peace now. It feels great. I hope to talk to you next Saturday also.

    • jacqueline says:

      Marjo, it warmed my heart to return to the room and see you had come into the room! Then Greg and afterward Henry came on. We were able to discuss our thoughts on what we see the scriptures as meaning. How refreshing. Tell me what you think about this new post. http://askjacqueline.life/early-church-was-home-churches/

      I should have gone to Arabia like Paul and you after getting free from the authoritative rule, but I would never have met you or all the other brothers.

      Galatians 1: “15But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace. Then it pleased him 16to reveal his Son to me so that I would proclaim the Good News about Jesus to the Gentiles.

      When this happened, I did not rush out to consult with any human being. 17Nor did I go up to Jerusalem to consult with those who were apostles before I was. Instead, I went away into Arabia, and later I returned to the city of Damascus.

      18Then three years later I went to Jerusalem to get to know Peter, and I stayed with him for fifteen days. 19The only other apostle I met at that time was James, the Lord’s brother. 20I declare before God that what I am writing to you is not a lie.

      So now I am stepping away and just being in a very small group and learning the Bible with the help of the Holy Spirit and nor filtering it through the long-held teaching of other men. It may be that I come to the same conclusion as they, but I need to make room for God’s spirit to work with me. I feel so free and loving talking with you and others and hearing the new little tidbits that were never talked about that reveals God in a simple way without all the extra additions by men.
      Dave will write a review of what we discussed on Thursday.
      Kent suggested today that we discuss Galatians and I think that is a great next topic even on Saturday so you can come in, and maybe we can do a session earlier so you can come in without it being so late.
      I like the candle fact that the flame, being light does not cast a shadow only the candle.
      Now I am taking a break from any organized or huge associations, just small group.
      Take Care

  9. Marjo says:

    I hope they both will get better soon. When you are sick it’s good to just chill out and relax and cure yourselves. I missed the last testimony meeting because I didn’t know either how to get in lol. But now I know. When do you have next one?

    • jacqueline says:

      Saturday Nov 3, 2018 at 7pm Chicago time. the password is Empire E only is capital. Also Fojw site might be where everyone is to try both. Fojw site you just click on link.

    • jacqueline says:

      Marjo Saturday, November 3rd at 7 pm (CST) is the next one. If you go in thru this site the passcode is Empire the “E” only is capital.
      Some will go in from the fojw site and Greg will be there and will monitor where the most people are and advise us. The one from this site is guaranteed to be private and you will see all the participants.

  10. Nubby Tope says:

    Jacqueline, on the BBB it asks for a password; what password is that?

  11. Marjo says:

    I have been reading your blogs and they are good. They really make you thinking. People do need this kind of support because world pressure is so hard these days. Many difficulties with families and they have no one whom to talk to. In this past week there has been two families whom have been victims of suicide. People do feel bad in their mind and financial area too. When they have to live in too tight and that is what is also them making this horrible choice.

    This other man forced his wife in the car making a crash with a truck. They didn’t survive, but two of their kids are now without parents. Other case is so sad that I don’t want to talk about that. When it comes to child victim it makes me sad.

    So what this country is doing that these kind of events don’t happen? Nothing. They make humans to live too tight in their lives that they hardly can pay their bills. One is divorce. When wife decides to leave the other half makes this horrible choice. There is not anyone where man could go talk with his feelings or woman. But just Social Office, but that is when they are afraid that kids are taken away. That is not the way how to help. That is only making things worse. People feel so bad these days.

    It is good that this kind of system is at least one part of the world. Finnish people are too shy to talk to each other or their problems to others. When most people talk then they shout. Thats the finnish way if you are not a Christian. That’s what needs to be changed. It is not good to keep emotions inside of you. But there is no one here who would listen these people. That’s what I’m mad about. People do need God’s kingdom, this greedy system is making people so sick and making them to do desperate choices.

    Who ever is reading this don’t leave alone with your thoughts or problems. Talk to someone.

    • jacqueline says:

      Marjo thank you so much for this email, it is right on the money as to what we are trying to do without tightening the screw and insisting they have to adopt another religious idea along with it.
      Man to Man will take off, but as you can guess Greg has a very bad sickness in his family with his wife! I can’t really get started because of the emotional baggage that keeps coming my way because I left the platform on the fojw site.
      That is bizarre, and it is constantly taking up the time of our group away from our God-given goal of helping xjw and those still in or any persons to realize help is on the way.
      Suicide is serious and I have found that even some religions don’t care to focus on that because it might go against the agenda of upholding their leaders.
      Going to child protective service can be worse than being hit by a truck! I wish more regular people like us could jump in and talk to them.
      I can’t talk about children death and abuse either, I just can’t. The attack on families seems to be satan’s methods.
      We had aJw female 45 years kill her husband, 27-year-old son, 25-year-old daughter than herself.
      https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2018/02/19/keego-harbor-jehovahs-witness-mom-triple-murder-suicide/351559002/ It broke all of our hearts in the US xjw community. I live maybe 2 1/2 hours away.
      If we can help just one person it will be worth it. Our training is happening now as we fight to do what God and Jesus lead us to do and not an organization or associations made upon men and their thoughts only.
      If more religions and people would just follow as closely as possible and say “What would Jesus do”in this situation? Not what an organization or men say should be done, things would be better because it forces the person to think and accept his understanding of the scriptures and the prophecies in the Bible. Holy Spirit is powerful and can reveal the scriptures directly to men and women without false Christs in between.
      Last night our little Rag Tag group voted to focus on just studying the Bible only again and reject the people that are trying to stop us from doing this. I will ask Rene to write an article on what is happening in that regard. Coming Soon!

  12. Marjo says:

    I noticed there were some mistakes in those times I gave. I will send you new ones. I had to get better headphones too.

  13. Marjo says:

    I see God blessings in your group already and there will be more to come.
    You were very brave to start a group of your own 🙂
    For me somewhere between 6 pm or 9 pm is ok, because I’m still home with my little one.

    • jacqueline says:

      Marjo, we wanted to study the Bible only, on at least one day. We still have the Bible study on Wednesday night and Saturday night with the friends of Jehovah witnesses site.
      We have never really used our own minds with the Holy Spirit to help us understand with 2 or 3 meeting like Jesus said. The Spirit moved one of the brothers to suggest and ask who would study with him and two of us said yes, then a few more loved just the Bible only on Thursday night.
      We have always had books as witnesses with someone else’s thoughts but never our own. Most religions have dogma or doctrine and they hold to it. No matter if they tell you they don’t. They really do and some can’t see the point if you don’t understand the truth of the doctrine as they do.
      So Jehovah says to make sure of everything and never follow men if you don’t see the Bible clearly teaching something.
      But then we were faced with the problem of how to include anyone that wanted to come in from other parts of the world. I had introduced the brothers to Kent a few years ago and his Big Blue Button format. Instead of me using it at that time, we consented to give it to the brothers for their conventions and use.
      It is an excellent format however but there was no longer any room for this site so we purchased our own network.

      It was what God wanted because now we have a unique format, called Man to Man with Greg. I told men on some facebook pages and they loved the idea.
      There are just some things male victims need to discuss with them alone and not us ladies.

      Ariella has a coffee clutch with people from all over the world and now she can help them with their language needs speaking in English.

      I can do one on one with some of my families with teenage female children.

      You can get a time slot to do your thing if you like.

      Kent needs a slot to do his thing.
      Dave our Bible study conductor definitely needs his slot as we adjust to slowly bring our thinking up to speed wihout having the answer in a book. So much is going on

      So you see this is better for xjw as we are trained to witness to any and everyone. Both male and female witness.
      This show is what we needed to be ready for if the Lord wills to have experience and a format in place when this popular show airs.
      http://askjacqueline.life/leah-remini-speaks-on-jehovah-witness-shunning/ This is the A&E Network and this is the Scientology expose lady. She is good and listened to the many persons asking her to look into the witnesses in the same way.

      So all Christians are of the body of Christ and we work together to accomplish his will. As a little “Rag Tag” group we have had many obstacles put in our way, but Marjo you just don’t know. Through real shed tears and intense hot discussions and lots of Prayers to our father, we have come out the other end with our little group still holding own against all odds.

      So tomorrow, Wednesday at 6 pm your time and 11 am my time CST, I will open the room and we can talk.
      Anyone reading this can come on also. It will be a pleasure to talk to you again. I will also show you how to use your camera to show yourself and baby if you like. I show myself now because it is a part of being truly free and unafraid.

      PS: The Leah Remini persons have to have a nondoctrine page to talk because they will be hurt and sort of angry. The other many Bible student pages can absorb those that need like me at first, to know what happened to these two groups. I know now and can move on straight to Christ, Jesus.
      I now know that Individually we can go to God thru Christ, alone or in little small groups like the early Christians.

  14. jacqueline says:

    Everybody the Big Blue Button is up and fully operational! Br. Dave will decide and post if his study will be on the BBB network on Thursday.
    If you want to come in and talk, just post a comment and I will see it and open the room.
    What a blessing?
    Kent from Sweden has worked hard to set this up. Since Sunday, he has been working to make it work for us to have by Thursday. THANK YOU SO MUCH KENT!

  15. Marjo says:

    Time difference between Chicago time and our time is 7 hours ahead. When clock in Chicago is 7 am here it is 2 pm. When it is 7 pm in Chicago here it is 2 am.
    Finland 4 pm/Chicago 9 am.
    Finland 5 pm/Chicago 10 am.
    *Finalnd 6 pm/Chicago 11 am.
    *Finland 7 pm/ Chicago 12 am.
    *Finland 8 pm/Chicago 1 pm.
    *Finland 9 pm/Chicago 2 pm.
    Finland 10 pm/Chicago 3 pm.
    Finland 11 pm/Chicago 4 pm.
    Finland 12 pm/Chicago 5 pm.
    Finland 1 am/ Chicago 6 pm.
    Finland 2 am/Chicago 7 pm.

    Around 9 and 10 am I’m taking my children to school. Somewhere between 6 to 9 pm is good time for me.

    • jacqueline says:

      Marjo, thanks for the time schedule. We are waiting for our site administrator to put up our Big Blue Button so we can talk.
      Finland 8 pm and Chicago at 1 pm, seems like a nice time if you have put children to sleep. Or 11 am or 12 noon any day is great for me. I really missed talking to you but we all talked about you and prayed for you on occasions.

  16. Marjo says:

    I might try next week. My babyboy is 1 year old now. He is almost walking. Girls are growing up fast. My first born is almost as tall as I am and she is only 9. Kids are having great grades at school.

    Is it Chicago time you are using in BBB? I can figure out the right time when to be there.

    • jacqueline says:

      Marjo yes it is Chicago time. We will be able to go on BBB for a time when you are awake. So you tell me what day next week you want to talk and I will come into the room and we can talk freely.

      1 year old, wow! Girls grow faster than boys then they just stop growing and the boys run pass them.
      Also we will discuss a female- mothers segment on BBB. Some of the families say their children are left out of the decision to leave their religion and need to talk, especially tweenies and teenagers. So we have control of the room and can be in there in the future if something like this becomes Neccessary. I feel Jehovah’s blessings on this new concept of moving forward since the healing has been complete for so many now with all the help that is available.
      This is the next big thing happenning in the United States and maybe some will need help and we should be able to help now because God helped us heal. http://askjacqueline.life/leah-remini-speaks-on-jehovah-witness-shunning/

  17. Marjo says:

    I miss those meetings. Im looking forward to visit in one some day 🙂

    • jacqueline says:

      Healing of wounds when they are old is so much different now. We laugh a lot! We never did that before. Ariella told us about her ” coffee with Ariella” she is starting with some people from different parts of the world. We rejoiced with her. We talked about second death again. I don’t fear it as it is for those not loving God or Jesus! I absolutely Love and adore him. So many Christians throughout the world die for him, they too will get to peace one day.That is going to be a Hallelujah Good Time!
      All men, not just a few will feel their Fathers love. Just getting that one free thought brings me joy.
      How are the children? How old is the baby now. She was 4 months when we last got together. Let us know what time is goid for you today Sunday to talk. I think I will pop in the room at 12 noon my time today and see if you can come to hear your voice and say hello.

  18. jacqueline says:

    Wow! It got real tonight on our testimony meeting! We poured out our hearts. We laughed. We turned on the cameras and saw each other (some of us were brave) for the first time. It was a real healing session. I think God is with us, it was good.

  19. Nubby Tope says:

    Enjoying convention on youtube; I must go to one next year here in UK!

    • jacqueline says:

      Nubby Tope, when it came across in my email, I felt some on here would love to see it. There is a brother with Khaki brown pants on that stands and talk with many. That is ChrisJ that comments to you on the fojw site. I know everyone there basically. We hope you can join us tonight. I didn’t know your city so I couldn’t give you the time but I put a city converter on the site and in your comment so you can come on. We would love to hear your voice or see you if you wanted us to.

  20. jacqueline says:

    The Orlando Bible Convention is live right now. What a clear beautiful picture.


    Bible student channel

    • jacqueline says:

      I was just listening to the brother give a talk and he mentioned how the Bible students too were arrested and persecuted by Russia under communism. Russia has no respect of person or religion when it comes to persecution. Now as many Baptist, Muslim and every religion in their province gets persecuted. Even Jews, so no religion can claim persecution is especially aimed at them. It is aimed at Christ Jesus, Christians of all faiths. The devil dare not aim directly at Jehovah.

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